ANAMU: Pick of the Week

Summer may be over but that doesn't mean you cant have a little color in your accessories! This envelope clutch features a bright and retro mini-garden with a complimentary polka dot lining. I love the way the inside dots play off of the circular shapes of the white flowers; always like to  pair floral patterns with more geometric ones. P8090457 copyP8090466

There are two ANAMU bags made from this polyester scarf ... pretty rare since a typical scarf allows for just one. Dont fret though,  each one is still one-of-a-kind!

ANAMU: Pick of the Week

Once a week I'll gush about an ANAMU accessory that is for sale on my Etsy shop. I'll tell you why I love it, provide some "making of" insights and, and maybe even entice you to buy it!

Kicking things off with a Vintage Button Magnet Set of 5.

I love this set in particular because it reflects my taste the most. There's a perfect balance of soft and hard lines, feminine and masculine details, and the colors can compliment nearly any background. These buttons have just the right amount of wear and tear on them too...really playing to their vintage appeal.

Eons ago I set out to buy vintage buttons to serve as pillowcase closures. Never got around to doing that but I did test the buttons out as rings and ultimately decided they would make awesome magnets too. I was standing in the kitchen,  eating cereal and staring at the random magnets we've accumulated over the years. Thought...I know it's just a fridge but I want something pretty/cool to look at while I eat like a soldier (my mom's saying for eating upright).

Easy enough right? Stick a button on a magnet and presto. It's almost that simple. These vintage magnets have metal shanks (the protruding loop the thread goes through) and they need to be removed so the buttons lay flat on each magnet.

First I cut the shank off with metal shears (actually, I think they are gardening shears but it works!) and then I sand the remaining metal off so the back is as smooth as possible. No, no sand paper here...I use an electric mini-sander that spins like a maniac. Does the job but it creates so much metal particle dust that a face mask is usually in order.

After that then it's glue and then presto!

There's plenty more I have in mind for buttons but it may require learning to solder. Very excited about that but for now I'll let the magnets have their moment in the sun.

And so it is: is live!

It's nearly 4am on Saturday September 12 and I have a big goofy smile on my face. ANAMU online is officially up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After many, I repeat many,  trials and errors with constructing the bags and more recently working with Photoshop and on web stuff, it is all complete.

From an idea to make a bag for myself nearly two years ago to today, seeing all of my creations via the shiny computer screen ready to share is simply awesome. Thank you to all of my friends and family...your endless support and encouragement means SO much to me and I hope to see many of you tonight at our little launch fiesta (thank you Caitlin!).

It's been a labor of  love thus far and I cant wait to continue creating new pieces. is now open :)

ANAMU Announcement FINAL

Count em': bags are done!

The first set of bags, all 20 of them, are officially complete as of last weekend (yaayyyy!!!!). They took a while to make since I worked on them a bit at time during the weekends but it's been so worth it. Since the next step was to take photos for the website and Etsy (where I will have the store set up) I am thankful for two things:

1) my friend Mike Kim for telling me about this page on how to make a photo box

2) iPhoto editing features. I now fully understand why photographers use so many lights and reflecting sheets!


Here are the bags ready and READY! However, you'll have to wait for the site launch to see the final pieces :) ... coming soon!!!


Brass as bling

It's jewelry time! Bags are nearly complete so I thought I'd give my necklaces some TLC. I really love the vintage, close-out pieces for pendants that I scored. What I don't love is how my wrist and hand pains keep getting worse. Have my second acupuncture treatment tomorrow and I'm sure a wrist brace is somewhere in my near future. Doesn't help that type like a maniac all day at work either.

No pain no gain right?


Vegas as a testing ground

Took one of my prototype bags to Vegas with me and it was the best thing I could have done. Not only was I able to enjoy the fruits of my labor but I got to test it out to the ultimate degree with non-stop dancing. I'm talking about jersey fist-pumping all night long. Well, not really but you get the idea.

It was during "boom boom pow" that I felt the chain snap off on one end.  I caught it before it fell to the floor and since the material is soft and is easily grasped, holding it as a clutch versus wearing it over the shoulder as a purse was still really comfy. Good thing it's designed for either use :)


Though I was bummed (for a second before proceeding to dance) it never would have happened had I not taken it out so I'm very thankful that it did! Now I know I need heavier duty rings so we can have happy dancing ANAMU lovers in the future.

Sewing goal of the day cut short

Just as I had 6 more linings to complete my sewing machine decided to lock up. So, I now find myself with time to blog while anxiously awaiting the final Lakers score (overtime kills me!). I better have this baby up and running again soon...I've got bags to complete, people!


Cut until the cows come home

Spent all day cutting stabilizer, interfacing, and scarves in prep for ironing (I use fusible interfacing) and sewing. Thank goodness I finally gave in to buying a rotary cutter and mat - made things SO much easier! Except for the fact I sliced by left thumb a bit. It's paper cut size but man it hurt.

Looking forward to getting back to these after my vacation in Colombia!!!

