feel good february :: mini-mixtape

feel good february :: mix-tape February has gotten off to a great start so I thought I'd make a mini-mixtape to keep the good vibes going. I made the mix on 8tracks, a (new to me) service that lets you create playlists from your own personal music library. The thing that I love most about it is that you can't preview the tracks - it's actually like a real mixtape when you just go with it. I've found some great mixes from other users and I really do enjoy the element of surprise.

Anyhow, I think that moving forward I'll create one mix every month instead of posting weekly brilliant beats. I always intend to make playlists for myself but never get around to it so this will be good motivation.  If you dig what you hear - awesome. If you hate my taste in tunes, well, it will only be once per month so hopefully I don't scare you away ;)

Here's the track list for Feel Good February. You'll notice that most of the titles have a love, relationship, or celebration theme but I promise that they're not mushy songs. They're more likely to make you tap your toes to the beat or force you into a shoulder dance if anything.

1 - Baby I'm Yours (feat. Irfane) Breakbot 2 - Henny & Gingerale Mayer Hawthorne 3 - Silver Screen Beat Connection 4- Jealous of Roses  Bibio 5 - When They Fight, They Fight The Generationals 6 - Little Secrets Passion Pit 7 - Do You Believe? (Original) Poolside 8 - Walking On a Dream Empire of the Sun 9 - Think I'm In Love Beck 10 - I Want You Back  Discovery

Click the image above or here to listen. Enjoy!

the joy of driving + {brilliant beats} althea & donna

bonne route [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwyCpspah0Y?rel=0&w=640&h=25]

Althea & Donna - Uptown Top Ranking

Since moving to London last year I've hardly spent any time in a car. I don't need to in order to get around and I love it (remember when I sold mine and opted to be car-less in LA??? I know, it's cray cray in most people's books).

However, as we drove around the Atlas Mountains in Morocco last weekend I thought back to how much I do love one aspect of driving -  the solid time for just me and my music.

I heard this song on KCRW's Eclectic 24 yesterday and instantly pictured myself driving on the 10 freeway during sunset, completely relaxed, one arm on the steering wheel, and nodding my head to the beat. Somehow listening to the same song through my earbuds on a crowded double decker bus doesn't quite have the same effect.

image: taken in the atlas mountains, morocco

marrakech bound + {brilliant beats} tune yards

la alhambra[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHxx0J8lmJA?rel=0&w=480&h=25]

Tune Yards - Riot Riot

Joe took this photo during a past trip to La Alhambra in Spain but I'm hoping to see something like it this weekend when we visit Marrakech (!!!!!). I'm still pinching myself at the thought of it. Morocco has been a dream destination for as long as I can remember so when we booked the flights and riad I felt like doing this all over again. Can you believe that it's only 3.5 hours away on a direct flight from London? Absolutely insane.

Have any of you been to Marrakech or heard of any good tips for visiting, dining, and shopping? One thing I know for sure is that I'm going to be on the hunt for rugs like this or with patterns and textures like this. What would be on your shopping list? Lanterns, textiles, spices, maybe even a charmed snake?

the pub life + {brilliant beats} cold war kids

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1v0Db9klkg&w=640&h=25]

With Joe being gone most of the week on business, I'm thinking he may want to take some time this weekend to hang out at one of our favorite pubs. I've really come to love their no-frills, come as you are ambiance/attitude and in some cases, their excellent playlists. Give me a song from one of my favorite albums, pair it with a good drink and you've got yourself one happy girl.

cassettes aren't dead + {brilliant beats} dragonette

cassettes[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_t56jJOcNk?rel=0&w=640&h=25]

How could a door covered with cassettes and a "sold here" sign not catch my attention? Unfortunately the store/recording studio(?) in Shoreditch wasn't open but I love that they're keeping the cassette alive. I have such fond memories of standing by the radio all day with the "pause" and "record" buttons pushed down, ready to capture my favorite songs for the ultimate mix-tape. This fave from Dragonette may have missed the cassette-age but it still feels like a flashback anyway...in a good way, of course.

i've always loved you + {brilliant beats} the real tuesday weld

london b&w[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BW71BzQ54NI?rel=0&w=640&h=25]

The Real Tuesday Weld - I love the rain

Last night we went to our favorite  hole-in-the-wall Persian restaurant for dinner and then did our week's grocery haul. Nothing special of course but as we walked around, carried our grocery bags, and waited for the bus, it was raining and we were getting soaked. The old me would have been quick to open an umbrella or better yet, wait for a dry day to run any errands at all. The new London me, however, has no problem going out when it's wet and unless it's really pouring (or I'm having an extra good hair day) my jacket's hood does just fine to keep my dry.

As we made the last stop at our favorite baklava bakery, I giggled to myself at the thought of how normal the scenario had become. There we were, wet clothes and wet bags, hitting up our routine spots on Edgeware Road just as we would on any regular day. Heck, a maintenance guy was even squeeging the glass walls of the bus stop shelter not minding that it got spotted with rain drops immediately after! For those of you who live in places where rain/cold/winter is common then this whole posts might sounds crazy. But to those of you more accustomed to year-round sunshine and warmth, you can probably relate to the "I don't do anything when it rains" mantra.

I must be truly acclimated because don't think or say that too much these days. Then again...I've always loved the rain and for the first time in my life, I get lots of it.

belgian windmill + {brilliant beats} lisa hannigan

brugge windmill[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exuBCzDHdY8?rel=0&w=640&h=25]

What'll I Do - Lisa Hannigan

I couldn't believe how awesome this windmill was. Even more unbelievable was how few people there were around it given the crazy crowds in the city center! We were happy to have it all to ourselves though, especially when the sun peeked through the clouds and turned the little hilltop into a bright green pedestal. Certainly the most charming patch of grass I've ever been on.

concert whore + {brilliant beats} the black keys

IMG_1940[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogAfoYZJFug?rel=0&w=640&h=25]

The Black Keys-Gold On Ceiling

Finally got around to downloading the new Black Keys album and yes, it's as good as everyone says it is! So, being the concert whore that I am, the next obvious move was buying tickets to their London show in February (woo hoo!). To double the pleasure, their opening act is one of our favorites, Band of Skulls. We saw them in LA and have been anxiously anticipating their second album for the past two years...here's a post I wrote after seeing them perform. It's so fun to have a record of the things you do/see/think on any given day - oh, blogs.

photo is my instagram from last month's friendly fires show at brixton academy.

christmas prep + {brilliant beats} she & him

peek at christmas diy[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVaFoAIVzok?rel=0&w=640&h=25]

The Christmas Waltz - She & Him

Ah, the holiday season is officially here and thanks to this provoking article I'm now tuned in to the musical side of the celebration as well. The new She & Him Christmas album will certainly keep me company as I play with little DIY projects for the home. Above is a peek at one I did earlier this week - it's amazing how useful dry-cleaner clothes hangers can be.

{brilliant beats} beat connection + giving thanks

my kind of tree[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrYmDbB1q94?rel=0&w=640&h=25]

Beat Connection - Silver Screen

A special feel-good song for a day when we take the extra time give thanks for everything and everyone in our lives.

There's much to be thankful for but ultimately the most important things are health, family, friendships, and love.

Missing all of my favorite people back home today - I love you!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

photo taken at endsleigh

getting away + {brilliant beats} kings of convenience

weekend[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_K9mSDcHiM?rel=0&w=640&h=25]

Kings of Convenience - Live Long

We start our weekend tomorrow and head out for our first countryside retreat (so excited!). First we'll take a train and then we'll get behind the wheel and drive the rest of the way to the B&B. Things have been pretty busy around here so we're very much looking forward to taking a short and quiet break. This song will definitely be on our road trip playlist - it's always so soothing.