back to reality

Untitled Hi guys, how have you been?!? After two weeks of resting, exploring, eating our hearts out, and enjoying friends and family in Colombia, Joe and I are back home in KL and are still smiling from it all. Not counting a stomach bug that put a few of us out for 24 hours (mine was longer, unfortunately), everything was amazing. I can't wait to share bits of the adventures and of course, the wedding day, with you all as soon as I catch up with work and stuff on the home front. I just spent a good part of the morning re-stocking our kitchen and cleaning so that I can sit at my desk with a happy belly and a happy/tidy home. I'm definitely ready to get back to reality but I'm silly excited to re-live the trip through upcoming posts :)

PS. Flickr caught a bug while I was away too and they removed a ton of images from my blog (as you can tell). Working on fixing it...sorry for the eyesore.