Helloooo! I hope you've been well. This photo is from a brief stroll in Downtown Santa Barbara while I waited for my train. I was there last weekend for a bachelorette party and it was such a treat to relax and have fun with my gal pals. It was a treat not only because I had just wrapped up a crazy week of work, but because there was a moment when I realized that hanging out with a group of girls like that had become so rare in my life. Living away for three years meant lots of solo time with Joe and double dates with other couples. I love both very much but sometimes a girl just needs girl-time, you know?
The weekend was great and because I do love my solo time with Joe, I really want to go back with him to check out the old missions and spend time on the beach. We'll see when we can squeeze it in as the next few months are already booked with travels, activities, and Ring Cozy is keeping me very very busy. It's been growing, I've been learning, and the business is really starting to feel like the real-deal. It's getting out of the awkward stage of testing the market, figuring out suppliers, etc, and moving into the more consistent stream of sales and processes that come with time, experience, and confidence in both myself and the product. I can't tell you how awesome it is to get emails from customers who tell me how Ring Cozy has solved a problem they had. To think that my idea, my creation, and all my work in bringing it to life is adding something positive to someone's everyday life - even if it's for something as seemingly small as a ring - is truly amazing. With that said, this little blog break is over. Time to get back to work!
ps - I'm on instagram more often than here these days so come join me there if you haven't already!