
working sunset I know we're mid-way through the month but it's still January soooo ... Happy New Year! I'm excited for 2014. It looks good when written, it sounds great when said aloud, and I'll finally turn that ripe age of 29 after a year of mistakenly saying that that's what I am (obviously not afraid of getting old here).

The year got off to a solid start with work and social fun but the sick bug I had been avoiding for months apparently decided that 2014 was its time to shine. I spent two days with the worst fever I've had since childhood and had it not been for Joe diligently taking care of me it might have been four.

Now with the sick-me out of the way, it almost feels like I'm starting the new year all over again. It's time to get back to business, put some non-pj looking clothes on, and actually leave the house (yay!). And in the middle of it all, remember to stop and notice the inspiring things around me like these sunset building patterns and colors the day before I got sick.

That's what I'm excited to get back to - the accomplished feeling that comes from getting things done and the little moments through out each day that make life feel magical.

I think that the real 29 is going to be great :)