New Doc Film: Teenage Paparazzo

Sundance USA screened the new documentary film by Adrian Grenier, of HBO's Entourage, at Downtown Independent tonight. Found out about it through the theater's weekly emails and was intrigued by the subject of the film: a teenage paparazzo.

Having grown up in LA, I just don't care too much about celebrities to be honest - they're "just like us" right...according to Us Weekly or something? Sure, I admire their work and love seeing what they wear on the red carpet but photos of them grocery shopping or playing with their kids is something the world could do without.

Teenage Paparazzo was done from Grenier's desire to understand what makes a teenager, and paparazzi in general, turn to a career of capturing people's personal lives - including his - in the most public of ways.

The kid, Austin, to his credit is very smart.  It was extremely enjoyable to see him evolve from an overly confident tween paparazzo to a more humble and respectful celebrity photographer, as I think he put it.

Through celebrity interviews and participatory research (Grenier at one point tries his hand at snapping the photos), the film took on a social anthropological angle by dissecting the why's and the how's of our society's current obsession and sense of personal connection with the people we see on our TV's and glossy magazines. It then ties it back into how it all relates to Austin and his obsession with his job. Just like any good documentary should.

I got some good laughs out of this one and was glad that it came from a celebrity's vantage point rather than an outsider's looking in. Highly recommend it.

"We're such tourist"

Yet another evening in Downtown LA discovering new favorite spots. 1. Dinner at Wurstkuche: located in J town, or Little Tokyo, they offer an extensive variety of beers and sausages. Pair that with a live DJ spinning in the main dining room that has family style seating and you've got the perfect grub place. Oh and did I mention double dipped french fries? Okay, I'm drooling on my keyboard...


2. Please post bills: Actually, we did this first while the boys stood in line at Wurstkuche. We practially jumped out of the car while it was moving because we were so excited at the awesomeness of this wall.

P6050848And this one. Yes, that's Obama smoking and wearing a sweet hat back in the days. The complete collection of these shots is on view at M+BP6050855

Even more beautiful than the words of this riddle is that it's on the side of a trash bin...


3. Rooftop wine tasting and movie at Downtown Independent: just opened six months ago and I was super impressed by the place. Modern, extremely comfortable seats, and great staff. Can't wait to go back.

View from the rooftop - US Bank has Laker colors shining bright


4. Bar 107: Night cap where we saw Julia Stiles. Funny because we saw her in NYC last fall at another hole in the wall bar...coincidence or is she just stalking us?