{more than knitting scarves} hello etsy, berlin

hello etsy {berlin}hello etsy {berlin} hello etsy {berlin} hello etsy {berlin} hello etsy {berlin} hello etsy {berlin} hello etsy {berlin}

I didn't really need an excuse to visit Berlin but I decided to make one anyway by attending Hello Etsy, a summit for small business and sustainability,  last weekend. It was Etsy's first go at an event like this and other than the insane lines for the elevators, the entire summit went off without a glitch. Since I used to run a shop on Etsy and am currently planning for another web store (off Etsy), it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get my creative and business ideas flowing again.

The two-day event was held at ewerk, Germany's oldest preserved power plant, built in 1885; it was so so so cool. The entire event had a very relaxed feel which was nice and extremely conducive to meeting new people from all around the world (hello to anyone who I met and is reading this now!).

Between sessions ranging from Finding Your Courage to Understanding Google Analytics and Secrets to Good PR, there were sewing stations sponsored by Marimekko, lots of drinks and snacks, and a pop-up book store with plenty of inspirational books to flip through. My favorite goodies came from Moo who gave out free customized business cards - how nice, right? The entire experience was all about exchanges - be it free products to help you get your name out or speakers sharing their stories and tricks of the trade. Everyone there had something to offer and truly believed that you can make a living working your passion and doing something creatively. Whether doing it solo or with a team - anything is possible.

I took a lot of great inspiration and practical information from the weekend and I want to share a piece of it with you by giving away a copy of the Hello Etsy Handbook given to attendees.  It's filled with stories and words of wisdom from the summit's speakers to make you think of the why, who, what, and how of your business. It's reaaallyy good. If you want it, comment on this post (with whatever you want to say) and I'll pick a name at random then email the lucky reader for a shipping address. I'll take care of the postage, of course ;)

A big Thank You to Etsy, the speakers, and everyone involved in creating the event - a job well done!

back from berlin

berlin Hi Everyone! I'm back in London and well, kind of back to the blog. Between day-long seminars at Hello Etsy, late night dining and drinking, and cycling through the city, Berlin really kicked my butt! In the best of ways, of course.

I've got a ton of work to get to as well as prep for our first house guest who arrives tomorrow. Sooooo...photos and more from Berlin will be up this week. If you just can't wait to hear all about the Hello Etsy Summit, check out this great write up by Travelettes.

Hasta mañana!

getting back to business

IMG_8775 Before moving to London I was working at a 9-5 job with my own desk and set of projects. I loved the work I did in marketing and event coordination but I would often day-dream about stepping away from the office world and doing my own thing.

I had a version of my own thing going for some time with my fashion accessories line, Anamu, which is how this blog originally came to be. I attempted to turn a sewing hobby into a part-time cottage industry. I hand cut and sewed each one-of-a-kind clutch purse in the evenings and weekends, sold them on Etsy and hawked them at local craft shows. When the time came to think about scalability, making new designs, and hiring other people to sew for me, I realized that the accessories production world wasn't what I was looking for.

A lot of money, time, and energy went into Anamu but it wasn't a loss. On the contrary,  I gained a lot by learning how to start a small business and simply put, just going for it. I had an idea and I tried it. It didn't stick so I'm on to the next.

Now in London, I'm fortunate that I get to explore what that next thing is. Graphic design, photography, a new web shop venture...there are some exciting things brewing here. To help keep the creative juices flowing and learn from the experts, I'll be attending Hello Etsy, a summit for small businesses, this weekend. Since it's in Berlin and it'll be our first time there, we decided to make a mini-holiday out of it (yay!). I can't wait to be inspired by a new city, new people, and fresh ideas. It feels good to get back to business.