when the sun comes out

primrose hill, londonprimrose hill, london primrose hill, london primrose hill, london primrose hill, london primrose hill, london primrose hill, london primrose hill, london

All you LA/So Cal people? Yeah, I see your tweets and posts about how sunny and warm it is right now but I'll have you know that the low 50's are my new 80's. Okay okay, we're lucky if we hit 80 degrees during the summer here in London but Monday was a surprisingly gorgeous day so I'm going to boast about it because it's what I've got.

Our "it's so sunny we have to be outside" destination of choice was Primrose Hill. It was a particularly windy afternoon so the little hilltop was perfect for flying Joe's kite. I wish I could say that I got in on the action but I was more than content to just enjoy the scenery. It was beautiful, so simple and peaceful. I soaked in every tiny bit of the sunset's golden glow, watched dogs run around like it was the most exciting moment of their lives, was inspired by joggers out in their winter running gear starting the new year off right, and smiled whenever I looked at Joe, the ultimate big kid, having a ball on a windy winter day. This may not be my norm for this time of year (I'm from LA in case you're new to the blog) but I can sure appreciate the change of scenery.

weekend, we

kite flyingkite flying kite flying

Hi everyone, how was your weekend?

I spent all day Saturday in a dSLR photography workshop that took us around the Tate, St. Paul's, and Borough Market. I'll share more on that later but the important thing is that it prepared me for Joe's kite flying extravaganza.

On Sunday, as we left our flat to go to this vintage furniture event I noticed that he had his backpack with him. "You've got your kite with you, don't you?" I asked. Busted. I knew that there was no way he was going to let a windy day pass him and his new kite by. So off we went to the furniture flea, bought a few small items (promise I'll share later) and when we were done, googled the nearest park.

Joe got so lucky. The park we found was perfectly spacious and the wind roared right through it. As Joe flew his kite, I practiced some new shutter speed and aperture techniques learned from the previous day's photography workshop and simply sat out and enjoyed the sun. It was such a nice afternoon.

On the way home we found ourselves at Brick Lane (it was market day!) so we stopped to eat some yummy street food and shopped for a dining table here. I wish I would have taken photos of the market and the furniture event but I was seriously spent from Saturday's six hour photography binge and the day's kite chasing session. There's always next weekend though...we'll be in Berlin!