mountain getaway {mammoth}

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"Going to the mountains is going home". This John Muir quote was posted on a sign for departing visitors of Mammoth and as we drove past it - leaving behind an incredible weekend of reconnecting with friends and nature - I smiled and thanked Mr. Muir for the reminder. The mountains have never felt more like home than they do right now and I'm really relishing the opportunity to enjoy them while we're in LA. For Christmas they were just one and a half hours away and for this long weekend, it was six. One day I want to actually live in the mountains, but for now our current proximity is just right to satisfy my nature longings.

It's been a very dry winter so there was hardly any snow in the area and the snow on the slopes was mostly man-made. Not perfect for avid skiers but perfect for me as a newbie. I had only snowboarded four times prior to trying skiing on Saturday and since I never quite got into having my feet strapped into one single unit while facing sideways, I figured that skiing was worth trying. Joe, being the pro that he is, spent the day with me playing instructor and after only four runs (with breaks in between because my legs were giving in!) I think I'm on a good track. I have some balance and speed issues to deal with but at least the giant tennis ball size bruise on my left hip proves that I tried.

When we weren't on the slopes we relaxed at the condo/cabin. There were ten of us so it was perfect for playing a variety of card games, one of which was totally new for me: Cards Against Humanity. Have you ever played that? It's pretty awful/hilarious. You really need to be in comfortable company for it, and that we were.

On day two we took a break from the bindings to watch the US Snowboarding Grand Prix for the Olympics. There's nothing like watching pros to make you realize how much of a beginner you all would have been so simple had I learned when I was five like all the other kids doing the "pizza" stance with me...

Luckily the rest of the day included a hike around Convict Lake, something that I felt very comfortable doing on my feet. It was beautiful and just the right time of day to watch the light change on the lake and surrounding formations. I say formations because every side looked different from the other - one with pine trees, one with jagged rock walls, and the other like an uphill prairie. We took our time making the loop, oooing and awwing with every turn that we made. Unfortunately on the last leg there were multiple stretches where the trail was covered in ice, and I slipped and fell on my right hip. Had to balance out the bruise from the previous day, right?! It was worth it though, to get that time in nature with friends, to be out breathing the fresh air, and to simply be surrounded by something so majestic.

Can't wait to go 'home' again.

a walk in the park

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Happy Friday, guys! Did you know that Bangkok has a giant park in its city center? It was a nice surprise during our visit last week. Our awesome little hotel was just up the street from Lumphini Park so we took a morning stroll through it on the way to the metro station. There were school groups playing games on the basketball court, three old couples dancing to swing music underneath a giant tree, and plenty of locals getting in their tai-chi exercises for the day. It definitely felt like a proper civic park.

Aside from people watching, a few colors, patterns, and textures caught my attention. Particularly a large type of palm tree that was unlike any I had ever seen. It looked like the palm fronds were cut off as it grew, leaving sturdy slanted stumps begging to be climbed. And yes, I did climb one. Just a few feet up (ssshhh)!

If you can this weekend, do take some time to go for a walk and see what you see. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed doing that.

Something I can't forget - announcing a winner for the Gin & Jacqie Love Malaysia Collection giveaway! Congrats to Alicia - you're the lucky pick! Please keep a lookout for an email with details.

I'll be Instagraming (and blogging) from Rio next week...hopefully I'll have some news to share after that trip. Have a good one!



Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee TriangleFinca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle IMG_4234 Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle Finca, Pereira Colombia Finca, Pereira Colombia, Coffee Triangle

Welcome to our finca, my family's country home in Pereira, Colombia! Before I get to sharing wedding photos I wanted to show you why we chose to get married there. It's not just because it was free or because we had our pick at fresh fruit and eggs all day and everyday, but because it is beautiful and tranquil beyond belief.'s our casa.

This is where we spent a good part of our trip prepping for the wedding, relaxing, eating and simply enjoying each other's company. My parents have been painstakingly renovating and decorating it for the past ten years and though they still have big plans for it, it's already perfect in my eyes. It's nature all over...the flowers, plants, fruit trees, free range chickens, ducks, dogs, neighboring farm animals and our reliable entertainment, tropical birds. Bird watching alone made me forget all about internet access and what happened on The Walking Dead that week. Joe had his fair share of hamaca (hammock) naps and I just loved being around my mom and dad, seeing what they were up to, enjoying the proximity for impromptu hugs and kisses to/from them.

The finca has all of the collected touches that my parents taught me to appreciate. They made every effort to bring antique and country-style finds that they had bought while living in LA for the one day that they moved back to Colombia and could really make the finca the home they always wanted it to be. So much has been made by hand, too, with materials found around the property and a little ingenuity. My mom and dad are so creative that I can't wait to see what the place looks like in a few years. But of course, we won't be waiting that long to go back. Joe was scheming up ways to work there as the innkeeper and maintenance help just so that we could stay! You neevvveerrr know.

If you're planning on visiting Colombia (which you totally should if it's not already on your 'places to go' list) my parents will soon be posting the finca on Airbnb and offering guided day trips around the Coffee Triangle. They are the most amazing people that I know so yes, staying with them comes highly recommended, bias or not :)