words worth repeating / 42

words worth repeating 42 by ana maria munoz--anamu Next week will mark our third international move and when I stop to think of what the universe has given us in the past three years, I still can't believe that it's all happened. Moving to London, South East Asia, and all the travels in between - it all began by getting out of my comfort zone.

Leaving that comfort zone of my hometown was the best thing I could have ever done. No matter how hard I may cry at times because I miss my family, or how many things get lost in translation when trying to live in a new environment, every day and moment has absolutely been worth it.

Leaving my comfort zone repeatedly has led to feeling more open and confident to taking news risks and seeking new experiences. Open to making life happen rather than waiting for it to show itself. For example, if you had told me three years ago that I'd be living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia I would have said "Kuala wha???" - I had no idea that the city even existed! But once you start opening doors more and more tend to appear. At that point the decision is between turning the doorknob to see what's on the other side or choosing to ignore it and stay in the same hallway you're standing in.

I've been stretched so far out of my comfort zone that it's hard to imagine going back to my original shape. I like the new irregular shape that's been molded by everything I've seen and experienced, both the good and the not-so-great. There's a lot of life to be lived so whenever I start to feel anxious or worried about what's next I remember this: the rewards for letting yourself feel uncomfortable, awkward, or scared are worth gold. Just step out and keep going.

When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? Took a new job, started a new business or hobby, moved homes, or traveled somewhere unfamiliar?