words worth repeating / 18

words worth repeating Every other day or so I open my inbox to find a sweet video of my two little nieces...they make me smile and laugh so much. Little do they know that their silly antics make my day and in general add so much value to my life. After emails I see if my mom and dad are free for a video chat. We share our stories of living in different countries, the good and the bad. Even though they are from Colombia, re-settling there after being in LA for nearly thirty years doesn't come without the "it's so tragic it's funny" moments. Their stories make me laugh and my recent one of our first rickety bus ride here didn't disappoint either! Just imagine a bus that's been to hell and back - painted 100 times over with no avail, bumper is hanging on for dear life, no front door - and a lady standing on the opening's ledge screaming the destination as it putt putts by the bus stop. It was pretty amazing.

Today I'm thankful for the technology that helps make those smiles and belly laughs possible even though we're so far away. SO thankful.

AND, I'm also thankful for Anne of City Sage for sharing this video via twitter. It's a good thing that I heard the song Call Me Maybe last week so that I knew what Mr. Cookie Monster was talking about! It is Hi-larious. And yes, I just heard that song last week for the first time - I had to find it on You Tube after I kept seeing it mentioned everywhere. What do you expect, I live in Malaysia and don't listen to Top 40 radio stations...I'm in my own little bubble but sometimes I burst it for the sake of pop culture ;)


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