weekend, we

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Hey guys, how was your weekend? I've been trying to balance working on the computer and resting my eyes since I got LASIK done several weeks ago. I guess my sensitivity is taking longer to clear up :/. So, in efforts to get away from the screen we spent a lot of time out and about in KL enjoying new-to-us cafes and shops. I was thrilled to find a vintage furniture shop since I've been aching for the thrill of the hunt lately. We didn't leave with anything but just getting the heart flutter of excitement was plenty for the day. God I miss flea markets and vintage shops! For now, I'm just happy that we continue to find new nuggets of things and places to enjoy until one day we may be back somewhere where I can get my treasure hunting fix.

Furniture Finds: The Perfect Little Table

I've been having way too much fun scouring vintage shops and Craigslist for furniture. Here's one of my favorites by Virtue Brothers of California - "The Wests Largest Manufacturer of Chrome Furniture." Bought it from a little shop in Eagle Rock called Sniveling Siblings.

It's the perfect size for a little dining space, computer table, and is good for two when the side wood boards are extended. The legs have wheels on them so I can move it around as needed too! Seriously in love...