thames tears (of happiness)

Along the Thames we strolled, taking in the gorgeous sun that gave way to picturesque views. After the first sight of Big Ben and Parliament I slowly took in the fact that we were really there. I stopped in my tracks and had a moment. Translation: I totally teared-up and here's why:

When I was 19 I signed up for a Europe "fashion trip" with my college fashion department. I was crazy excited because I'd never been to Europe and in addition to visiting designer houses we were going to have plenty of time to sightsee. When I arrived at the airport to meet the group and check my bags I was faced with the disappointment of not having the necessary visas to travel, hence I could not go forward with the trip. I was devastated and learned two valuable lessons 1) don't travel on a Colombian passport and 2) do due diligence when it comes to travel documents.

I cried and cried but my parents reassured me that there would be another and even better time for me to see Europe. I put it in my mind that I would go soon enough and that it would be with my special someone. I didn't know who that person would be but I was confident that it was in the cards for the future. Fast forward seven years and there I was, standing along the Thames River with Joe. It was surreal and I completely lost it. Not only are we here but we are now calling London, England...Europe, our home.

Joe held me tight and I pinched myself in disbelief that we were in this new magical place together. I was never meant to see Europe with a group of strangers nor visit before I was old enough to fully appreciate it. The time is right now.

Life is funny and marvelous but before this post gets any more philosophical click here for more photos of the day ;). Xoxo.