words worth repeating

quote 1 On Monday I mentioned the launch of my new blog project, Howdy Day!, so today I thought I'd give it a proper introduction via a new weekly post, words worth repeating.

I love inspirational and motivational quotes, I think many people do. So one day when I got really tired of my web browser opening up to the latest (and saddest) news of the day I thought man, I just really want to see something positive first thing in the morning. I searched for sites that focused on positive news but only found wonky pages with even wonkier stories (local firemen saving a cat can only be so interesting). I then turned my attention to inspirational quote sites and ugh...there are so many with too too much clutter. Design-wise, most of them seem to be stuck in the eras of many of the quotes they reference. I wanted to be inspired by words, not be turned off by bad websites at 7am. I wanted something simple, clean, and to the point.

Howdy Day! is just that: one daily quote on a page, quick and simple. I have it set as my browser's homepage and it makes a world of difference to see something positive or personally thought provoking as soon as I get online. I eventually read the news but it no longer sets the tone for my morning and I've said goodbye to the default Google homepage. Google always wanted something from me right away (search me! click today's theme logo for a video!). A simple daily quote just says "welcome to your day, make it a good one"... at least it does for me and I hope it does the same for you. I will bring some of the wise words shared on Howdy Day! to this blog once per week in a designed format. This post and design has been very popular so I'm thinking you may not hate seeing a bit more of its kind around here :)

I'd love for Howdy Day! to be a collaborative blog so if you have any favorite quotes that you'd like to share, you can submit them here. To get your daily dose you can subscribe via email, RSS, or do as I do and set Howdy Day! as your default homepage. Okay, now go get inspired and motivated for a great day...

(design: by me)