words worth repeating / 39

words worth repeating 39 by ana maria munoz--anamuIt's been a while since I last shared words worth repeating but this quote has been very present in my thoughts lately.

The Kickstarter project for Ring Cozy didn't make it so I've had to slightly re-strategize my plan of action. Everything from production, sales, orders ... I've had to re-think it all but I'm perfectly at peace with it. Just because something didn't work out it doesn't mean that it wasn't a success in its own way. I learned a lot from the experience and it gave me even more amo to make my product and business happen.

The support I got from you guys, friends and family, and people who were new to Ring Cozy, was awesome (THANK YOU!). In doing Kickstarter I got the word out, made new connections, and set the wheels in motion for a great next couple of months - definitely not a failure in my book!

So now that the pressure of reaching a giant funding goal is off, I can focus on the work to be done while I'm in LA this summer. My to-do list is already a mile long but I like it that way. It means action, progress, trying, failing, trying again, dealing, and DOING. That's the key here, just keep on DOING and eventually something will stick.

Have you ever gone through something that took a few (or a lot of) times to get it right? Personally or professionally?