words worth repeating / 43

words worth repeating 43 by ana maria munoz--anamu This week has marked the first time in months that I've been able to glue my ass to a chair and just work work work. You should have seen how giddy I was on Sunday night, sitting at a desk, organizing my to-do's for the week/end of year and scheduling them into my calendar. For the first time in a long time I was able to schedule 100% time for work - not packing, not canceling utilities, not apartment viewings or anything else that's consumed us for the past two months - just good ol' work. I've already booked a few freelance gigs and I'm prepping Ring Cozy for the holiday season and 2014 (check out a few of the site updates!).

I was getting so anxious not having my dedicated time and space but now in our new apartment with a desk, organized supplies, and a kitchen with snacks, I am one happy worker bee.

Have a productive Hump Day!