weekend we

  weekend weekend weekend weekend

Hi how was your weekend? I learned how to properly plant succulents, caught up with some reading, and mostly lounged and took it easy. It was definitely one of those "let's not even bother making the bed" type of weekends.

Joe had my laptop in iPhoto intensive care the entire time so I was left to watch crap TV like my first episodes of Extreme Couponers. That show is insane, and kinda sad. I couldn't help but think that they might be hurting their families more than helping with all of the processed and unhealthy "free" things they score. I was literally screaming at the TV when a mom of two claimed victory with loads of candies, microwave dinners, and sugar waters - seriously, lady?!? I don't get it. I just don't get it.

Glad my laptop is back, TV can be so bad.


a PURSonal attempt

bag When we first got here there were three constant things that people would tell me:

1)  eat street hawker food - check 2)  go to the malls - quadruple check 3)  beware of purse snatchers - unfortunately, check

As of last week I can check off being a victim of a purse snatching attempt. I was walking home from the metro station, on the same two minute route that I always take, and on a very public and busy street, when two men on a speeding motorbike approached me. That's how they do it here, one guy drives while the other sits in the back and sees what he can get away with. It's a major problem here and whereas before it was common at night, it is now far too common to occur during broad daylight.

I've seen bikes on sidewalks before so I simply I thought that they were making a u-turn from the adjacent one-way street and I took steps to the side to get out of the way. But, within seconds, I felt and saw the guy sitting on the back pull my hand-purse, let go, and then speed away. I didn't realize what had happened until they were gone. I was in shock. Never in my life have I experienced a violation like that. Thankfully there were two women behind me who witnessed it and had it not been for their post-attempt company I don't think that I would have kept my calm the way I did. What was most troubling was how casual the encounter had been: the guy went for it but when he realized that I wasn't holding my bag loosely enough to snatch it easily, they continued on ... perhaps to the next victim. No big deal, just another afternoon and another drive-by.

Once at home I quickly locked the door behind me and started to process what had just happened. My mind started racing with questions like "how will I ever feel safe walking to the grocery store/metro/anything again?", "what if they had taken my bag, all of my things are in there!" or "why are we even living in a place where this sort of thing happens???"...

After a while I pulled myself together, thanking my lucky stars that it hadn't been worse. I've heard awful stories of women being dragged on the ground or getting their arm slit with a knife. I was unharmed and still had my possessions. I was one of the lucky ones.

I didn't leave the apartment until the weekend with Joe's company but now I'm feeling better and all the more wiser. Unless I'm taking a taxi door-to-door I shouldn't carry any unnecessary things, always use a cross body bag, keep phone and cards in my pockets, and don't wear anything so bright that makes me a quick target from afar. All very simple things but I absolutely hate that I even have to think about them. I hate that I have to be on guard walking down the street, clinching my bag. And I hate that I have to be mentally and physically prepared to react should anything happen (again).

It's a shitty way to feel when you walk outside and unfortunately I can't see any obvious actions from the local government to prevent it. They post up signs to "be careful" but how about having some security on the streets so that it doesn't happen in the first place? I have yet to see ONE police officer since we've moved here. Coming from a place like London where even though it had its own problems with crime, there was at least the backup of CCTV everywhere and there was always a cop nearby. In LA, well...I never really worried about anything, even when I lived near Skid Row. There may have been a lot of crazy drug addicts but they were harmless to people outside of their circles. Here you have multiple problems with street crime focused on women: motorbike purse snatchings, parking lot assaults, and street junction thefts where men on motorbikes break car windows and steal purses from the passenger seats during a red light. I mean, really??? What's even more sad is that it's all so common that some people have an "it is what it is" reaction to it. Take this story for instance. A girl gets attacked (and cut up) at a mall parking lot and the management says it happens everywhere and that it's not serious. Excuse me??? It totally is serious! {Sigh} I should stop before I get really carried away as I think I've made my point.

The thing is, Malaysia is a beautiful country with beautiful people and things to offer but if it wants to be the tourist and industrial draw that it's trying to be then those in charge need to get these problems under control. Women need to feel safe. And personally, I need to hone a different set of street smarts and be brave. There's too much good here to let a few a-holes get to me.



fruit glorious fruit

penang by Ana Maria Munoz We're back from a few days in Bangkok and while it's always nice to get away (for me at least, Joe was in business meetings), it stinks to come home to an empty fridge. I can't wait to go grocery shopping and make a pit stop at my new favorite fruit stand where they sell pre-cut pieces of almost everything in little baggies; papaya, watermelon, pineapple, dragon fruit, mango, and pomegranate seeds just to name a few. My selections usually run me about USD 4 and what I love most is that I save time by not having to cut them and I don't have to worry about rushing to consume them before they spoil. Now I'm really spoiled! When did I ever eat pomegranate seeds and watermelon like "yeah, whatever, no big deal"...? They were always either too expensive or too much of a hassle to buy whole. This is much better. Do you have a favorite fruit that you'd consume ridiculous amounts of if you could buy them more cheap and easy?

This snap is from our tasting at the Tropical Fruit farm in Penang. And yes, that is a little bug on the bottom left piece - welcome to the jungle.



colors, patterns, and textures - oh my!

penang by Ana Maria Munoz penang by Ana Maria Munoz penang by Ana Maria Munoz penang by Ana Maria Munoz penang by Ana Maria Munoz penang by Ana Maria Munoz penang by Ana Maria Munoz penang by Ana Maria Munoz

It's all about the little details and Penang certainly had a few hidden gems. Most of these shots are from Chew Jetty, a colorful waterfront community, where I could have spent hours had we not made plans to meet with a friend for the evening. So much inspiration to take into the week and beyond.

If you're jonesin' for more colors, patterns, and textures be sure to visit this mega post from Marrakech, Morocco - I go back to it often!


{around town} chow kit

chow kit, malaysia chow kit, malaysia chow kit, malaysia chow kit, malaysia chow kit, malaysia

On Saturday we ventured out to one of the city's oldest areas, Chow Kit, and visited the local market. A guide book that we have described it as "the real Malaysia" and if you take away the fancy sky scrapers, glitzy malls and modern groceries of KL, things definitely get more real. We made the mistake of going during the middle of the day as it was unbearably hot but we managed to walk through the maze like setting quite a bit, snack on some fried goodies, and get a feel for the prices - we'll most certainly be going back to stock up on fruits and veggies! However, I will stay clear of the meat and fish section. The older I get the more squeamish I'm becoming about seeing certain things ... I basically told Joe that we had to get out of there before I decided to become a vegetarian! Thankfully that section is easy to avoid and I can focus on fresh pineapples, watermelon, and tons of strange/beautiful looking fruit and sweets I have yet to try.