Hi guys, how was your weekend? In short, ours was all about eating, boozing, and R&R. We discovered a new bar, The Establishment, and checked out an event they had with local musicians and DJs (hosted by creative collective, The Deer Society). It was so great to find a spot with a scene like this. I knew that KL had to be more than just shopping centers...just had to dig a little (okay, a lot). After the party, we crossed the street for some yummy Roti Cani and as we sat there and watched the warm rain I felt so very much at home. Between finding a Syrian baklava bakery, meeting up with some new friends via Instagram, and hanging out at a great new spot, I fully realized how much I've fallen in love with KL and Malaysia. It took a while but this weekend really sealed the deal for the warm and fuzzy feelings I've been having these past few months. So so happy and grateful to be here.
weekend, we
Hi guys, how was your weekend? We had lunch at the new Mexican restaurant in town, La Mexicana, and it definitely didn't disappoint. It was authentic in every way from the food to the decor...so much so that I did a little happy dance as soon as I took a bite of the pork tacos! I know it's crazy to want/expect authentic anything that isn't Asian but it sure is awesome that there are expats doing a great job of bringing bits of their own culture to KL.
To burn off our Mexican food binge, we decided to check out the nearby walking trails of Bukit Nanas, an eco reserve park in the center of the city. We were all set with our hats, comfy walking clothes, and water bottles but when we got to the entrance we were greeted by a locked gate and a notice of the park's closure for construction. Wah wah. By that point it was too late for a plan b involving a relaxing hike so we opted for the next best thing: cold beers. Never a bad alternative on a warm day and certainly perfect for a leisurely Sunday out.
Cheers to a good week ahead!
weekend, we
Hi guys, how was your weekend? Overall ours was good but I didn't get to the Christmas crafting I had planned since shopping for supplies was a huge disappointment. I definitely miss places like Michael's, Joanne's, Staples, Target, The Container Store...you name it. Even just looking for tapered candles for our new vintage holders proved to be an impossible mission. You have it real easy, America. Real easy.
On the bright side...
- I used what bits of Christmas we had from London and created a mock-fireplace with the help of this awesome video.
- I found berries at our florist and paired them next to a giant local leaf (mixing traditional and tropical :)
- We ate brunch at a restaurant that serves real bacon. Non-Halal places (at least those serving western food) are very rare in KL so the meal was a really nice treat.
Did any of you start decorating for Christmas this weekend?
weekend, we

Hi guys, how was your weekend? We did a little bit of everything but mainly tackled matters of the home like grocery shopping and cleaning. I actually really love the weekend after a holiday, it makes the simplicity and calm of being at home an indulgence in itself.
I got a lot done but it'll still be a busy week before I head to LA next Monday. I promise that pics from Vietnam are coming mañana :)
Cheers to a good week ahead!
weekend, we
Hi guys, how was your weekend? Mine was fantastic. I feel like I've turned a new leaf and am ready to really enjoy living here. I've started craving local food, I'm making new friends, and I'm starting to see the beauty in this totally imperfect city. I'm done criticizing what it's not and just want to enjoy it for what it is right now, what it is today. On Saturday we walked around Merdeka Square and the surrounding old part of town. We marveled at the giant flags draped everywhere and took time to appreciate the derelict yet beautiful buildings (see Singapore for their potential).
Between celebrating Malaysia's independence from British rule just over fifty years ago, and the Muslim festival of Hari Raya Aidilfitri (the end of Ramadan, the fasting month), KL is buzzing. It's been so fascinating to see the Malay Muslim version of Christmas decorations in the malls and try new foods that are only available during this time of year. There's so much to take in and I'm finally feeling 100% open to it. It feels good.
weekend, we
Hi how was your weekend? We had so much fun in Singapore, I absolutely loved it. It was so nice to be back in a pedestrian-friendly city and just pop in and out of shops and stop for drinks and food along the way. Singapore couldn't be more opposite from KL in the overall safety factor and well-thought-out city planning. After my first venture out by the river I thought "oh man, can we just stay here and not go back?". It's awful to compare but for the first time since we left London I felt 100% safe and comfortable being by myself. And while there is still a mall on every other block, unlike KL there are a lot more street-level storefronts and walkable shopping/dining options.
The only obvious negative is that it's not the cheapest city to play and live in so after a shamefully pricey and touristy dinner at Clarke Quay, we resolved to finding more reasonable spots (and thankfully we did). The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out in the Arab Corner and checking out the big flashy sites of Marina Bay. On our last day met up with Tanya, a blog reader who lives in Singapore with her family. We connected over being LA Expat girls and we've been in touch via email and instagram ever since. She showed us a different part of town that only further solidified how great the city is and then Joe and I took a rest at the gorgeous and historic Raffles Hotel before heading to the airport.
I didn't want to leave but on the drive home, with miles and miles of palm tree groves and native forest, I realized that Malaysia is a great place to be, too. It may not have all of the western comforts and perks that Singapore does but that's okay. We are in South East Asia, after all, and I want to experience all of it.
photos taken with iPhone using VSCO Cam
weekend, we
hover over images for captions
Hello, how was your weekend? If you're stuck in the heatwave in the States then I hope you stayed cool and hydrated! If you're in London, we saw the up and down weather via Wimbledon - I hope you get full summer days soon!
We enjoyed our first BBQ at home and finally made it out to Ikea for some essentials. It was so nice to have our own little fourth of July weekend experience. We even got to see a small fireworks show from our apartment courtesy of a corporate celebration nearby. As for Ikea, unfortunately none of the major items did it for us so the hunt for a rug, floor lamp, and desk chair continues. But, we're happy to wait until something we really like comes around...it's our space and we have to love it, albeit it being temporary. It was a perfect home weekend.
weekend we
Hi how was your weekend? I learned how to properly plant succulents, caught up with some reading, and mostly lounged and took it easy. It was definitely one of those "let's not even bother making the bed" type of weekends.
Joe had my laptop in iPhoto intensive care the entire time so I was left to watch crap TV like my first episodes of Extreme Couponers. That show is insane, and kinda sad. I couldn't help but think that they might be hurting their families more than helping with all of the processed and unhealthy "free" things they score. I was literally screaming at the TV when a mom of two claimed victory with loads of candies, microwave dinners, and sugar waters - seriously, lady?!? I don't get it. I just don't get it.
Glad my laptop is back, TV can be so bad.
weekend, we
Hi, how was your weekend? I bet it was more active than ours. We spent most of it lounging, cooking, and enjoying our new Apple TV - it's the best! Do any of you use it? We did run some errands and made exciting discoveries along the way that made this city feel more like home. The best find had to be an indie grocery store that carries everything we love and need. We were going bananas filling our cart with items we haven't been able to find or physically carry back with us (we hired a taxi). Then there was the dry cleaner that does free pick-up and delivery, a mini-IKEA type shop with homewares galore, and a flower shop that sells *gasp* real flowers since eight out of ten here push plastic petals. It's amazing the things that excite and count as great discoveries these days...
Did you make any fun or useful discoveries this weekend?
Oh, and if you're like me and love you some natural suds, check out Kinder Soaps in Malaysia (first bar and I'm hooked) and my tried and true favorite, The Soap Kitchen in America - HEAVENLY!
ciao italia
Our trip to Florence and Chianti was somewhat of a love and hate one. We hated the rain and cold that prevented us from leisurely strolling along but loved the excuse that it gave us to picnic in the car with the best view in town. We hated that the vineyards and landscapes were bare and looked nothing like what you imagine Tuscany to be but loved that it was off-season and we had the roads, villages, and hotel to ourselves. We hated coming up against locked gates to wineries because of the Easter holiday but loved happening upon the traditional Caparsa home where the owner, Paolo, invited us in without any hesitation (we didn't want the bourgeois wineries anyway). And really, we loved much more than hated. The sun came out to say arrivederci on our last day and everything looked and felt different. En route to Florence it kept us warm as we spontaneously stopped at a flea market in Greve In Chianti. No vintage treasures for the shop were found but the enjoyment of being around locals greeting each other and catching up on the week's events was more satisfying than bringing home a piece to polish off. Once in Florence we had just a few hours before departure and lucky for us, the historic center of the city is tiny. We had plenty of time to stand in awe in front of il Duomo, drink coffee in la Piazza della Repubblica, and veer into side-streets where local signage and store-fronts kept us thoroughly entertained. My only regret was not being able to shop for shoes (ladies, you understand) but drool-worthy footwear and a lush harvest season just might be enough to make us go crawling back for more.
weekend we
Hello from Anchorage, Alaska! We're here visiting Joe's parents for a few days and so far I'm loving it. It's such a different world from LA or London but it definitely has its own charm...snow sculpture competition, walking across a huge frozen pond, spotting a moose, and pretending to be a figure skater - yes, please! It was crazy to get back into our boots and coats when just the day before we were in our flip flops getting instant tans simply walking around town. The wonders of air travel, right?
It was my birthday weekend and I felt totally spoiled by spending tons of time with my dearest friends, indulging in yummy donuts, sharing some great wine and views at Perch, and celebrating the big 27 with my favorite gals at my favorite vintage clothing store, Shareen. I got everything I wanted and more this year - I love you, friends!!!
Now....off to look for more moose, I'm totally obsessed ;)
happy friday!
Last night we watched the snow fall while sitting inside a cozy pub; it was such a special London moment. On our walk home I was literally skipping down the street like a little five-year old trying to taste snow flakes on my tongue. Why wasn't everyone else doing the same thing?!? Joe was totally surprised by my reaction for obvious reasons but I couldn't help myself. Snow-fall is so magical, so pretty, so delicate...there's absolutely nothing like it. It felt like a dream.
I hope this weekend brings you some magic. Have a good one, guys!
This week's three rad links: • simple (and free) printable action sheets from creature comforts. we can all use a little extra motivation, right? • fries i won't feel guilty about eating - an awesome recipe for baked asparagus fries + dips from spoon fork bacon. • my friend matt nall shares one INCREDIBLE photo per day. this man has serious talent for capturing detail. do take a look.
photo: taken at Riad Zaouia 44 in Marrakech
weekend, we
Hi everyone, how was your weekend?
Ours was nice - very local, relaxing, and productive. Saturday was all about a morning car boot sale (aka. community rummage sale) and an afternoon visit to Portobello Road for lunch and shopping. It was actually the first time that I've ever been to that market without going to the antiques section! Felt like such a local simply going there for sewing trimmings, fresh produce, and flowers.
Sunday was focused on the home which was easy to do since it was so grey out. We listened to the radio as we did our chores, prepped for the week, and in my case, prepped for the next couple of months. I've had tons of projects and ideas on the back-burner but now I'm committed to making them happen in 2012. Anyone else planning on putting their lingering ideas to work this year?
weekend, we
Hi everyone, how was your weekend?
Ours was all about doing a lot of what had to be done (chores, errands, adult duties) and throwing in some fun wants on the side.
Saturday's highlight was riding Barclay Bikes to All Star Lanes in Bayswater. What an amazing venue! Great bowling lanes, live DJ, delicious food, and a really fun ambiance. It's an American themed place but it's actually way better than any bowling venue I've ever been to in the States.
On Sunday we had the final inspection of our new flat and were given the keys. We spent a good hour or so taking measurements and seeing what we'll need to fix or modify though it's not much, thankfully. We then made our way to Marylebone for breakfast at Coco Momo (yum) and re-visited our favorite sofa at John Lewis, a major department store that's like a Target and Macy's rolled into one. Did I ever mention how relieved I was to go there when I first moved here?
A sofa purchase later and we were ready to wrap up the weekend with a movie at the Nomad Cinema in Holland Park. The film of the night was Cinema Paradiso. Has anyone seen it? It's the most beautiful movie that I have ever experienced. Seriously, it was incredible. Apparently it's a big classic here but since it's Italian I'm guessing that's why we don't hear much about it, if at all, in the States. Movie buffs may have been in the know all along but I feel really lucky to finally be introduced to it.
Now it's time for another week...we'll see what sorts of craziness/magic it brings. Have a great Monday!
weekend, we
Hi everyone, how was your weekend?
We kept it mellow, ate well (visit my new fave restaurant here), and did chores like mad people. On Sunday the sun graced us for a full day - a very rare thing these days - and I never knew that I could be so excited to soak in some Vitamin D. Taking full advantage of the sunshine, we laid out in the park down the street from us. It's a little patch of grass alongside the canal that is absolutely heaven on a sunny lazy afternoon.
It was a good taste of the R&R we can expect in Sicily next week where we will probably just eat, sleep, swim, lounge, and repeat. Joe decided to take some solid vacation time following his friend's wedding in Madrid this weekend and we figured Sicily was close enough to sneak off to! It'll be my first time in Italy so I better step it up with my Italian Rosetta Stone lessons ... Arrivederci!
weekend, we
Hi everyone, how was your weekend?
We stayed in London and while I love "getting away" I also love being a homebody. We got in a good mix of R&R at home and little outings around town like shopping and dining in Marylebone and walking along the canal in our neighborhood, Little Venice. We also got started on searching for a new flat to rent (or "let" here) by registering with a few local agents. No more of this living shower-less and bathing with a pitcher deal. I'll keep you posted on what we find but please keep your fingers crossed that whatever it is, it has a modern bathroom!
Here are some of the places we discovered in Marylebone this weekend in case you're in the neighborhood: Trunk Clothiers (men's shop) / Cocorino Boutique Italian Delicatessen & Espresso Room / Topkapi Mediterranean restaurant.
P.S. I sewed a little DIY project here on Sunday but I'll share the details and results later this week :)
weekend, we
Hello everyone, how was your weekend?
Ours was very much in-line with the total contrast in weather that occurred. On Saturday we ventured out to Shepherds Bush for a day-long music festival, Bushstock. The day was warm, sunny, and perfect for walking to and from the neighborhood's different venues to see new artists. We ate our Greek-loving hearts out at Vine Leaves Taverna (serious food over-load but delicious) and later fell under the spell of Lucy Rose as soon as she hit the stage... her voice is beautiful.
Sunday was also eventful but more in a scrub the floors, do the laundry, buy some groceries type of way. It might have been gloomy and rainy outside but our place looked bright and immaculate by the afternoon. Reveling in our new sparkly flat, we cooked up some yummy chicken tacos, read through the Sunday Times, and rented L.A. Story from iTunes. Though laborious at first, it turned out to be a perfectly lazy Sunday. Just the way it should be.