frontier land

Alaska by Ana Maria MunozAlaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz Alaska by Ana Maria Munoz

I'm going to try keep this one short and sweet because I'm not sure that words can compete with scenes like this. That and it's Friday!

The trip was incredible. Getting to be with Joe's family, eating delicious local fish (and the best sweet bun of my life!), and simply seeing the places and things that Joe grew up with. He may have left Anchorage for bigger cities and new experiences but I think it's really special that he knows all about the rugged stuff us city people are typically clueless about ... I also think that it makes him extra hot, too.

Aside from being smitten with my man, I was in love with being in the great outdoors. I spend so much time in air conditioning in KL that being out in the purest of pure air was well, a breath of fresh air! We hiked, I got eaten alive by mosquitoes (didn't love that part so much), we picnicked, and even got married again. Yep, we had a second ceremony with his family who couldn't be with us in Colombia. It was awesome to stand and say our vows on the back deck that Joe built years ago. One time at his family's home and one at mine - perfect.

The final big day was spent out on a boat seeing glaciers, icebergs, sea otters, and American bald eagles. There was beauty everywhere. The varying colors of the water from deep turquoise blue to green and the purples of the mountains brightened by the hovering grey fog ... it felt magical and peaceful beyond belief. I was so thankful for Joe's brother for hooking us up with an amazing captain and guide who let us get close to it all - we got off the boat to get a better view of a glacier and also pulled up to an iceberg to rub it for good luck. I made up the part about good luck but c'mon, something that has particles from the last ice age has got to have amazing energy behind it!

I already can't wait to go back. Everyone who's ever been there and told me that it was a beautiful and amazing place was absolutely right. The last frontier does not mess around.

a year's worth of wanderlust II

This time of year always makes me reflect and one of the things that I'm most grateful for are the opportunities we've had to travel. We set out to live internationally for many reasons but traveling was/is priority numero uno. Looking back, I think we did a good job a sticking to our plan even though some days it feels easier to just veg out at home! Here are my fave moments, sights, and thoughts from our 2012 travel adventures....

Breaking away from Europe and landing in Marrakech. High hopes and expectations were met with a chaotic Medina with a character all its own.IMG_9915

Passed Berber Villages in the Atlas Mountains and seeing nothing but beautiful vistas. And snow. Who would have thought Africa had snow?!IMG_0120

Sipping on fresh mint tea while picking out our new/old Berber rug...the perfect souvenir!rug shopping

Our first LA visit together and indulging in three things: In N Out burgers, Mexican tacos, and fresh American donuts. This photo was from our morning binge session while doing loads of laundry next door.LA day _ weekend_3

Re-discovering the cool designs and colors found in LAgarage design, manhattan beach los angeles

Taking a quick break from LA to Anchorage, Alaska for a visit with Joe's parents. It was so awesome to be in the house he grew up in and see his childhood town.walking on a frozen pond

a day-trip to Oxford - LOVED it there. For you Hogwarts fanatics - their cafeteria is just off to the left.weekend_oxford_4

Stopping in Florence en route to Chianti. It's so true that the entire city is a museum.

enjoying an impromptu lunch overlooking vineyards near Greve Chianti. Hands down my fave meal of the trip...for sentimental reasons, mainly, because the other meals were aawweesooomme.italy_2

a "booze and chocolate tour" of Brussels with some sight-seeing on the side. A flea market was also involved - this one was one of the most legit I've been to.

brussels brussels

Leaving our love-lock in Paris as we wrapped up our time in

Our first trip after moving to KL: Penang. So colorful and vibrant.penang by Ana Maria Munoz

and with charming old character everywhere you look.penang by Ana Maria Munoz

Piggy-backing on one of Joe's business trips to Bangkok and exploring by boat.bangkok long boat

Visiting Singapore for the first time and wishing we had moved there instead since it was so clean, organized, and seemingly perfect. It was during a rough point in my new-home adjustment but now love and appreciate the imperfect and real character of KL.

singapore singapore 7

The beach holiday that ruined it for any other ones in the future. Con Dao, Vietnam was utter perfection. Honeymoon is done and done. Untitled

Going back to LA to give these little ones hugs and kisses and begin research on my new venture. Untitled

Making a long-weekend out of Joe's business trip to London. We'll take any amount of time there, no matter how long the flight. Plus, Joe needed to stock up on his favorite Whisky and you can pack more with two people + checked bags than you can with one ;) Image 1 Image 3

The unexpected layover in Abu Dhabi from London. I did my best to make the most of my 48 hours there despite major jet-lag (I was only one week back from LA!)Abu Dhabi

Getting to know and love the bits of Melbourne that give it it's reputation as a hub for good coffee shops and interesting street art.

grace cafe in fitzroy melbourne street art

Hanging out in Bondi Beach where I used to splash around as a toddler. Can't believe that we used to live just down the road. Part of me wonders what it would have been like to grow up there and be a little beach bunny...

bondi beach

... or just dance around The Opera House all the opera house at night

...and with Australia, that brings us to a wrap!

But we won't be idle for too long. With the US, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa covered in one year (that is cray cray!) it's only fitting that we kick off 2013 with South America in February. Yep, I cannot wait to visit my parents in Colombia and say our "I Do's" with family, friends, and buñuelos!

I'm so thankful for this beautiful year....and to you guys for sharing it with me. I'll stop before I get all sappy but know that interacting with you via this blog, twitter, instagram, email is such a joy. And if you just joined me this year, you can catch up on where we went in 2011 by clicking here. Oh, the places we will go......

weekend we

donut shopdonut shop donut shop donut shop views of DTLA from Perch views of DTLA from Perch views of DTLA from Perch bday at Shareen Vintage bday at Shareen Vintage Anchorage, AL snow sculpture Anchorage, AL I see a moose! Anchorage, AK walking on a frozen pond living out my figure skating fantasies

Hello from Anchorage, Alaska! We're here visiting Joe's parents for a few days and so far I'm loving it. It's such a different world from LA or London but it definitely has its own charm...snow sculpture competition, walking across a huge frozen pond, spotting a moose, and pretending to be a figure skater - yes, please! It was crazy to get back into our boots and coats when just the day before we were in our flip flops getting instant tans simply walking around town. The wonders of air travel, right?

It was my birthday weekend and I felt totally spoiled by spending tons of time with my dearest friends, indulging in yummy donuts, sharing some great wine and views at Perch, and celebrating the big 27 with my favorite gals at my favorite vintage clothing store, Shareen. I got everything I wanted and more this year - I love you, friends!!! to look for more moose, I'm totally obsessed ;)