Hello everyone, how was your weekend? I hope you spent it showering the moms in your life with lots of love.
We did some serious walking all over the West End. The area is slowly becoming more familiar as we discover new favorite things and places with each outing.
With so much to share, here are some highlights:
Friday -
Chinti and Parker sample sale in Notting Hill (thank you, Daily Candy for the tip!). I scored a striped cotton dress and wore it that night :)
Relaxing lunch at Portobello Ristorante Pizzeria - delicious, great service, and the only restaurant to GIVE us bread before our meal thus far. Most places charge. WTF, right?
Walk through Holland Park. It is a gorgeous space that seems wild compared to the other perfectly-planned and potted parks in the city. We barely saw a sliver but it would make a great full-day trip.
Evening visit to the Tate Britain. I especially loved the room with these pieces. Can't help drooling over 60's abstract art, can't I?
Saturday -
Tea & Coffee Festival at South Bank. We didn't find Joe's sought-after Turkish grinds so to compensate, we ate and bought loads of sweets like macaroons from Cafe On, fudge from Burley Fudge, and churros con chocolate. Joe said that the churros con chocolate is what Madrid tastes like at 4am...I can't wait to go to Madrid and stay up all night!
St. John's Wood, a really pretty neighborhood with a quaint high street (aka main street). Best finds of the day were two belts that Joe bought at a charity shop (aka thrift store) for three pounds and spotting a car that was nearly ready for the Rose Parade.
Oh, weekend...we <3 you.