{brilliant beats} another goodie from foster the people

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04TXoFI6CSM?rel=0] I can't get enough of these guys. Their album Torches has been on heavy rotation on my iTunes and being in LA makes them sound even better. One of the last sweet moments of my trip was when my niece Juliana and I danced to this song (above video) while I packed. It was way too cute.

I'll be back in London tonight and though I'm going to miss my family like crazy, I missed my other half, Joe, like crazy too. See you soon, babe!

See you later LA!


{brilliant beats} dcode festival edition

We're off to Madrid today for the dcode Festival! When I heard that Kasabian was headlining I knew that we had to go, especially since one of Joe's best friends lives there (i.e. instant crash pad). I'm beyond excited to check out our first international music festival...here are a few faves that I'm really looking forward to seeing:

I will forever be grateful to my friend Matt Petrone for introducing me to Kasabian back in 2005. I was instantly a fan but have never had the chance to see them - it.is.on!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C0OEVWKZv0?rel=01]

A taste of home with LA's Foster The People. I'm madly in love with this song right now.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDTZ7iX4vTQ?rel=0]

The last time I saw The Ting Tings perform was at a Nylon Magazine party in LA. I will always say yes to seeing them live, they are too much fun.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH6wpO66J4k?rel=0&w=640&h=390]

Been dying to see The Sounds since college. I just love the attitude in her voice and their simple but dance-inducing beats.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X44tSdjH4_I?rel=0&w=640&h=390]

Even if you aren't into electronic dance music, you've just gotta be a fan of this song. Crystal Castles really opened my mind to enjoying this genre after seeing them at Coachella in 2009.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56E8yYgLNHE?rel=0&w=640&h=510]

Hasta luego!