friday pic & pin

friday pic & pin 18 Happy Friday, guys I'm ending my time in LA with a bang tonight - I'm off to Vegas! I'm going with my besties and even though I'll only be there for a little over 24 hours it's totally going to be worth it. The car ride alone has me giddy - four hours of solid one-on-one time with some of the people I love the most and hardly ever see? Yes please!

I fly back to LA tomorrow night and then Sunday is my final farewell. It's going to be a non-stop couple of days but hey, I have a thirteen hour flight to sleep it all off on. As the kids say these days, YOLO! Yeah, I had to google that...we'll see how this old lady fares in Vegas...

Have a great weekend and start to next week, see ya back here on Wednesday!

(image left: art deco bar sign in Union Station, Los Angeles by Ana Maria Muñoz, right: Pin via Honey Kennedy)