friday pic & pin

friday pic & pin Happy Friday, y'all. What are your plans for the weekend? I'd like to think that we'll be ambitious and do a day trip to a nearby attraction but I have a feeling that a serious Revenge marathon will be had instead. We bought the first season on iTunes (yay for Apple TV!) after watching the pilot figuring that it was entertaining enough to pass the time. BUT, now we're totally hooked and have watched several episodes per night this week. Was it big back in the States? I'm so clueless in this department these days. I'll also be giving our new plants some TLC (i.e. real air & sunshine) tomorrow. This collection inspired me to be a good plant mama and that means giving the little fellas a break from our necessary evil - the AC.

Have a great weekend!

Oh, and I didn't do much online browsing or blog reading this week (I know, bad blogger - slap on the hand) but I did catch this beautiful photography project Words to Shoot By via the Flickr blog. Consider it a link so rad that  it takes the entire week's spot :)

(image left: building facade, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Ana Maria Muñoz, right: Pin originally via Geninne)