Pick of the Week: Margaritas and Flowers

Spent last Sunday frolicking around in the beautiful Carlsbad Flower Fields for new ANAMU Spring lifestyle shots. When you are just starting out, you've 1) gotta be your own model and 2) the boyfriend becomes the fashion photographer (he did a GREAT job!).

After we wrapped we cruised a bit further south to grub on some yummy Mexican food at Las Olas in Cardiff. Seriously, this place is amazing and I'm so thankful that my gal pal, Erin, introduced me to it a few years ago!

I had flowers and Margaritas on my mind that day and thought this Senorita clutch to be perfect for this week's Pick of the Week!

The flowers and paisley combo drive me crazy in the best of ways.  Muted colors on the lining scarf  really play up the matching patch pocket that carries the vibrant and flirty designs from the exterior of the bag.