show & tell: souvenirs from colombia

made in colombiamade in colombia made in colombia made in colombia made in colombia

What's a trip without bringing home a few souvenirs?

These treasures from Colombia - a beautiful representation of the weaving done by indigenous women of the country - are adding so much life to our home ... and my wardrobe.

The blue cross-body bag's leather was stitched in Bogota but the colorful strap was woven by the Wayuu women who are known for their large bucket-style purses and skillful hamacas. The home accessories were made by women of the Waounan tribe in the department of Choco. The palm fibers used to create these beauties are woven so tightly that the vase piece we bought could hold water without leaking! Amazing.

The one store we loved unfortunately doesn't have a website. Such a shame since their products were all so modern leaning and tastefully done and displayed. But, if you find yourself in Cartagena, their address and phone is below. If you'd like to shop for a vase of your own online, here are some shops that carry an assortment: one, two, three.

Colombia Artesanal Centro, Callejon De Los Estribos No. 2-40, Cartagena 301-788-8108

{let's getaway} pack your bags

Lets GETAWAY_pack your bags

work ready: Lotuff Leather  /  date night: KAYU  /  organize: Gin & Jacqie  /  everyday: Cuyana  /  explore:  Joshu + Vela  /  beach holiday: Connected Goods

 ’Tis the season for travel and one of the things that I struggle with the most while away is feeling like I never have the right bag for the occasion. Sometimes a girl needs a sassy clutch purse and other times she needs a comfy backpack for exploring all the better. Whatever the reason for the getaway, these bags top my wishlist for always being prepared. And of course, a little organizational help from Gin & Jacqie, a Malaysian accessories company with a passion for traveling well and tidy.





monday = moving sale!

Hello, I hope you all had fabulous weekends. I spent a good part of it prepping for the big Anamu sale that begins TODAY!

Check out the updated Etsy shop for new $5 cuff bracelets and one-of-a-kind clutch purses starting at just $25! I'd love for all of the pieces to go to happy homes so please share the sale with your friends and family!

Thank you so much for all of the support!

happy friday!

Repurposed scarf cuffs Friday brings good news for you Anamu accessories fans!

With my forthcoming move overseas I am cleaning house and need to have a HUGE Anamu MOVING SALE! Though it's been a while since I've created anything new, I will be adding never before seen cuffs, frame clutch purses, and leather wristlet samples to the Etsy shop.

I'm slashing prices like crazy so you'll be able to grab a piece of Anamu (and kind of like a piece of me ;)) for as little as $5; practically pennies for one-of-a-kind pieces!

The sale will begin on Monday, March 28 and run through Wednesday, March 30. Please tell your friends, family, your postman, anyone! Would love for these creations to find happy homes before I move.

See what's currently online here and be ready to pounce come Monday. Have a joyous weekend!

New webshop + GO NATIVE Collection

The new shop is finally up!

First up in the shop are the GO Native Collection clutches and cuff bracelets followed by brand new brass necklaces.  Very excited about all of these - they are playful, eye catching, and truly unique.

Browse the Envelope Clutch and Frame Clutch categories for past styles and the new SALE for recently discounted pieces - isn't that nice!

Pick of the Week: Margaritas and Flowers

Spent last Sunday frolicking around in the beautiful Carlsbad Flower Fields for new ANAMU Spring lifestyle shots. When you are just starting out, you've 1) gotta be your own model and 2) the boyfriend becomes the fashion photographer (he did a GREAT job!).

After we wrapped we cruised a bit further south to grub on some yummy Mexican food at Las Olas in Cardiff. Seriously, this place is amazing and I'm so thankful that my gal pal, Erin, introduced me to it a few years ago!

I had flowers and Margaritas on my mind that day and thought this Senorita clutch to be perfect for this week's Pick of the Week!

The flowers and paisley combo drive me crazy in the best of ways.  Muted colors on the lining scarf  really play up the matching patch pocket that carries the vibrant and flirty designs from the exterior of the bag.

Pick of the Week Returns with New "Behind the Seams"

After a long hiatus, the oh so loved Pick of the Week is back! Why was it gone for so long? It was kind of like working out - you do it consistently then you miss one day and boom, done until.... well, whenever you get around to it again.

I did miss it dearly so I'm happy to have the mojo for it back.

First up for 2010 is the Metallic Muse II Envelope Clutch...

This one is part of a little series I was able to do since the shawl used was so big! This brocade piece has metallic stripes that I placed perpendicular to each other for some added interest. I'm a big fan of mixed metal colors so a brass pyramid stud was added to each corner as fun and edgy dressings.

This is a hot one!

Behind the seams...

If you follow this blog then you know that I make it a point to seek out local vintage goodies wherever I am. In this case it was Cape Town, South Africa where a cramped and dusty shop on Long Street caught my attention.

This place was packed yet I somehow managed to find this great shawl to make some glitzy bags with! The shop's owner was super sweet and happily told me about the cabinetry behind the register; the location used to be an old pharmacy and the custom carpentry was left intact throughout the years.

Here I am putting down my Rands ...

The lining in Metallic Muse II is made from an old Indian sari purchased in Durban, South Africa. Now THIS thing is big! Many bags to come from this baby...

ANAMU: Pick of the Week

Gold schmold, brass is where its at for me at the moment. It's light weight, neutral, and always gives the impression of having had it forever. I hit the jackpot of brass pendants and pieces from some closeout inventories downtown earlier this year. The dust on the boxes they came in only added to the reassurance from Jose (my fave sales guy) that they were in fact as old as they looked.

What was most exciting was that there were multiples. Prior to purchasing these I had been collecting individual brass pieces at flea markets one at a time and each one completely different from the other. While I'm looking forward to turning those into one-of-a-kind necklaces, I like that I can personally wear these while offering the same style to others who want them for themselves. It's fun to share!

This bowtie beauty is one that I can always count on to be the finishing touch to any outfit. It makes a simple statement but never goes unnoticed...a favorite "moment" was on a flight back from Vegas when a girl exclaimed "I love your necklace! It's like you're all dressed up with a girly bowtie but not really." I was wearing a v-neck white tee, cut off denim shorts, and rainbow sandals...yeah definitely not dressed up but the necklace was apparently enough to make it all a little special.

ANAMU: Pick of the Week

Summer may be over but that doesn't mean you cant have a little color in your accessories! This envelope clutch features a bright and retro mini-garden with a complimentary polka dot lining. I love the way the inside dots play off of the circular shapes of the white flowers; always like to  pair floral patterns with more geometric ones. P8090457 copyP8090466

There are two ANAMU bags made from this polyester scarf ... pretty rare since a typical scarf allows for just one. Dont fret though,  each one is still one-of-a-kind!

And so it is: is live!

It's nearly 4am on Saturday September 12 and I have a big goofy smile on my face. ANAMU online is officially up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After many, I repeat many,  trials and errors with constructing the bags and more recently working with Photoshop and on web stuff, it is all complete.

From an idea to make a bag for myself nearly two years ago to today, seeing all of my creations via the shiny computer screen ready to share is simply awesome. Thank you to all of my friends and family...your endless support and encouragement means SO much to me and I hope to see many of you tonight at our little launch fiesta (thank you Caitlin!).

It's been a labor of  love thus far and I cant wait to continue creating new pieces. is now open :)

ANAMU Announcement FINAL