{market memo} sunbury antiques market

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an early start to a perfect market daysuch a sucker for these a whole lot of awesomeness going on (see large lion) beautiful handpainted chair + love the wicker seat tiny hats and ribbons. they go together a tranquil setting for the usual flea frenzy take your pick of desktop lamps + awesome floral burst mirrors (love me some black and gold) cute childrens birthday cards. too bad they stopped at 10 i'm normally not into dolls but these little handpainted wood ones were more cute than scary the dudes' drawer. but i'll take the horn, thank you phonographs are cool. period. these metallic trimmings made my heart sing

Last week I shared the things I bought at Sunbury Antiques Market via show & tell. Now it's time for a market memo!

Sunbury is held at Kempton Park Racecourse on the second and last Tuesday of the month and since I'm currently a quasi stay-at-home wife, I was lucky to be able to make the one and a half hour trek down there. I've always wanted to be one of those people who can go vintage hunting any ol' day of the week, or better yet, be one of those people who do it as their job. We'll see what I can come up with to make the latter a reality but for now I feel a little ridiculous getting to do this stuff mid-week. How did my desk job day-dreams actually happen?!? Oh yeah, Joe's desk job got moved overseas but I think it's safe to say that we're both winning here :)

Back to the market...Sunbury opens at 6:30am and goes until 2pm. It makes for a very early day but I'd much rather shop in the wee hours anyway when the air is crisp, my energy tank is full and I can go at a leisurely pace. As soon as I walked in I knew that the trek down there was worth it. There were more vendors within stones throw than I'd seen at any other market in London thus far. I did a little dance and carried along to see what I would find. Similar to the Rose Bowl Flea Market, vendors are spread out all over the parking lot and the outside ring of the stadium. What's nice about Sunbury is that they also have two indoor areas which came in handy when the weather turned and continued shopping required shelter from the scattered rain.

I found the market to be very easy to shop based on what you're looking for though it's still worth it to weave in and out of all of the areas if you have the time. The vendors were knowledgeable about their products, prices were fair, and the atmosphere was light-hearted. It was actually the most fun I've had photographing at a flea market since each vendor was happy to let me take a snap (very unlike Paris's Vanves Market, that was like pulling teeth!). Some vendors even joked about receiving royalties while another suggested I take photos of him wrapped in the fur coats he was selling. I should have taken him up on that. Next time.

See a few more photos + captions here!

Pick of the Week Returns with New "Behind the Seams"

After a long hiatus, the oh so loved Pick of the Week is back! Why was it gone for so long? It was kind of like working out - you do it consistently then you miss one day and boom, done until.... well, whenever you get around to it again.

I did miss it dearly so I'm happy to have the mojo for it back.

First up for 2010 is the Metallic Muse II Envelope Clutch...

This one is part of a little series I was able to do since the shawl used was so big! This brocade piece has metallic stripes that I placed perpendicular to each other for some added interest. I'm a big fan of mixed metal colors so a brass pyramid stud was added to each corner as fun and edgy dressings.

This is a hot one!

Behind the seams...

If you follow this blog then you know that I make it a point to seek out local vintage goodies wherever I am. In this case it was Cape Town, South Africa where a cramped and dusty shop on Long Street caught my attention.

This place was packed yet I somehow managed to find this great shawl to make some glitzy bags with! The shop's owner was super sweet and happily told me about the cabinetry behind the register; the location used to be an old pharmacy and the custom carpentry was left intact throughout the years.

Here I am putting down my Rands ...

The lining in Metallic Muse II is made from an old Indian sari purchased in Durban, South Africa. Now THIS thing is big! Many bags to come from this baby...

Vintage Shopping Manifesto...Kinda

I was asked via email for my advise on getting past the intimidation of vintage stores and what I typically look for when shopping. Here's what my quick response turned into. It may not be beautifully written but I sure enjoyed writing it...

Yeah they can definitely be overwhelming!

I find it helpful to walk into places knowing the types of things I like/need and are easy to add to my existing wardrobe and home decor.

If you aren't looking for anything specific then just go when you have the  energy and time to simply browse. There's nothing worse than feeling tired or crunched for time in a vintage store. There's simply TOO much to look at but also know that its OKAY to not see everything. I fly past the ceramics and toys because I know I'm not interested. Things related to fashion and home decor stop me in my tracks.

If you like fashion accessories, necklaces, purses, scarves and handbags are great to start out with. Most of what's out in stores today is based on old styles so it's always fun to get the original thing. They are often of better quality too. Accessories may help you feel like you can "pull them off" because they are so easy to mix into what you already have.

I would avoid getting into clothing until you feel more comfortable sifting through alot of "stuff". Many vintage clothing items require alterations and understanding of fabrics and construction (to scout the real winners for quality and comfort at least) so that may be too much for starters.

My hunch is that this may also be the stuff you feel like you cant pull off? Vintage clothes can be intimidating but if it's priced well for you, think about how it can be incorporated into your everyday wear (or special occasions) seamlessly rather than trying to convince yourself that you will wear it. Just because it's trendy and looks like the latest designer styles doesnt mean it's worth buying, especially if its not "you" already. You wont ever wear it or pull it off if it doesn't feel right to begin with.

What I've been shopping for lately have been items for the home since I just moved too. I make a mental list of what I need/want so that everytime I step into a shop, those things catch my eye immediately amidst all the clutter. For example, I needed a small portable table mirror so that I could do my makeup by my window. I found an amazing metal one within two minutes of going through a store, and for 6 bucks!

Think of it as a treasure hunt for something unique and it will become like a game. Just take the first step inside and see how you feel...your eyes will lead the way :)