{show & tell} collected

collected jewelry by Ana Maria Munozcollected jewelry by Ana Maria Munoz collected jewelry by Ana Maria Munoz collected jewelry by Ana Maria Munoz collected jewelry by Ana Maria Munoz collected jewelry by Ana Maria Munoz

Okay so I did do one thing this weekend despite having a banged up foot: I finally organized my jewelry and by organize I mean I finally took the tape off of this hanging storage thing I keep it in. With every tape-rip and pull it was as if I was liberating each piece so that it could be enjoyed the way it was intend. I say this all the time but I really should wear my jewelry more often. I've been steadily growing my collection of wearable art for years finding them at flea markets, yard sales, charity shops, during travels, and even making them myself. Each one of them has a story or memory and feels extra special since it was found rather than picked off a shelf...it's how I like to shop and it's how I like to remember the places I have been.

Shortly after I took these photos I caught up with Sussie Bubble's fashion blog and then it hit me. The problem with having a collection of unique pieces (and plastering them all over my blog) is that I can end up sounding like the type of annoying world traveler she describes in a recent post:

"Oh this old thing?  I picked it up in a random market in Thailand when I went travelling around Asia" which vaguely translates to "You will never find this awesome thing I have on because I bought it in an obscure and far-flung place, which is my little secret..." 

After reading this I thought, oh geez, am I that type of person? I mean, I can recall a few sarcastic comments from friends back home whenever they'd ask about a piece and I'd say it was vintage but now add the new "world traveler" aspect of my life and it sounds even worse! What can I do though, it is what it is right? If I were re-modeling a house, going to school, training for a marathon, or making babies then I would be blogging about those things. These days I'm living as an expat who travels a lot and as Sussie puts it "the world is getting smaller". Collecting treasures from different places is bound to happen.

I think her post really hit home since I'm still in disbelief of where life has brought us (I'm sitting in a hotel room in Bangkok for crying out loud!). I don't ever want to take any of it for granted and I want to keep finding new treasures that excite and create conversation...even if it's at the risk of being labeled one of those types. Some things are too fun and beautiful to not share and at the end of the day, that's what this blog is all about - sharing the things I see, do, enjoy, and love, with you.  One day I'll have other things to blog about but for now, this is what's happening. Jewelry stash and all.


New webshop + GO NATIVE Collection

The new shop is finally up!

First up in the shop are the GO Native Collection clutches and cuff bracelets followed by brand new brass necklaces.  Very excited about all of these - they are playful, eye catching, and truly unique.

Browse the Envelope Clutch and Frame Clutch categories for past styles and the new SALE for recently discounted pieces - isn't that nice!

Brass as bling

It's jewelry time! Bags are nearly complete so I thought I'd give my necklaces some TLC. I really love the vintage, close-out pieces for pendants that I scored. What I don't love is how my wrist and hand pains keep getting worse. Have my second acupuncture treatment tomorrow and I'm sure a wrist brace is somewhere in my near future. Doesn't help that type like a maniac all day at work either.

No pain no gain right?
