all stretched out

inside outside comfort zones Happy Friday, guys! I was flipping through my sketchbook and I came across several 'inside outside' doodles that I made around the time of this post. In that post I said

"I’ve been stretched so far out of my comfort zone that it’s hard to imagine going back to my original shape. I like the new irregular shape that’s been molded by everything I’ve seen and experienced, both the good and the not-so-great."

I really like the whole "irregular" shape idea of constantly morphing into a new form. A form that kinda resembles the original, familiar, and safe one but knows that it will never be as confined again.

I have so many sketches in my notebook that I want to play further with and this is my first step in doing so.

It felt like the right week for it too - I had two great online features for things that have taken me out of my comfort zones both personally and professionally:

Sharing my experience of living in Malaysia + traveling with the amazing Project Bly

A funny hate-love take on Ring Cozy on xoJane

It was a good week!

Now cheers to the weekend - go have an adventure and get all stretched out and irregular.