all framed out

framedframed framed framed framed

Happy Friday, guys! Wow am I excited for the weekend. Even though I'm planning on getting some work done, I just love the fact that we'll be home. For all of the traveling we do I'm really quite the homebody. That's why I'm so excited to finally have framed all of the photo prints from my shop so we can enjoy them in our living room! I also had a little graphic fun with a photo I took of the Sydney Opera House. Looks kinda like a fan, doesn't it? The color is just the pop that we needed in here.

All perfect timing too since I just received a copy of our home feature in IKEA Malaysia's Live magazine (!!!). We had practically just moved in so it's nice to see what we've done to make it even more homey since then.

Enjoy your weekend!

5x7 frames by IKEA / large frame by Habitat / cushions by {me}longings



uniqbrow sunglassesI love creative people. I love entrepreneurs. I love ingenuity and I especially love it when people do something about it.

Uniqubrow is exhibit A. Not content with having to buy different glasses for different styles and moods, my buddy Andrew and his team in Barcelona set off to change how we rock our shades with one single pair of lens and multiple frames.

I'm so excited for their new venture. It's a big task to take on the eye wear industry but they're definitely on to something great. They have just FOUR DAYS to go to reach their funding goal on IndieGoGo so head on over there, give them some love for being so ingenious, and get a nice reward or two in return.

And if you know any shade lovers who might be interested in their own Uniqubrows then please, do pass it along!