More Art: off to a resolved year

Okay, so I lied. I do have one resolution: visit more museums and design exhibits. This weekend will kick-off a more artsy and designed infused 2010 with a trip to NYC.

I've got my new boots (Nike Air + Cole Haan = most comfortable shoes ever! Definitely worth the three year search) ...

and am ready for some serious gawking at works by Kandinsky (Guggenheim) and architect Eero Saarinen (Museum of the City of New York).

Must be some kind of crazy to leave 72 degrees in LA for 20 something Manhattan!


Kandinsky: NYC exhibit please

I've been dying to go to NYC this season to visit the Guggenheim's massive Kandisnky exhibit. He is my absolute favorite artist and I'm still in awe of 4 private collection pieces I saw at MOMA last year. P9280060

Found out about this in August but with my work travel schedule I just couldn't fit in a weekend to go. It's on view until January 13 and my schedule is clearing up but'll be chilly.

The video on the Guggenheim website I just watched might persuade me to brave the elements, however.

Check out my Kandinsky inspired birthday cake from two years ago beautifully baked and desinged by my friend Olivia of Sweet Catastrophe Cakes.