happy friday + {new} pic & pin

friday pic & pin by Anamu_1Happy Friday, everyone! Today I'm introducing a new post, Friday Pic & Pin, where I get a little creative with the post-editing of an original snap and pair it with a favorite pin from my Pinterest boards.  I love the color stories and themes that develop on Pinterest so I wanted to share bits of them while using my own photography (gotta keep things OG around here, right?). Let me know what you think!

I had a great full week in KL and have already met/chatted with more strangers than I did in London. Super friendly people with one in particular, a retired Batik artist named Aziz, who won my heart. I plan on taking a class with him so I'm sure you'll be hearing more about him soon. On the home front we got the keys to our new apartment yesterday and I so wish that we were moving in this weekend. It's much more spacious and fab than I remember it and I can't wait to get in there and play house. Feel so lucky to have found a place that felt like home as soon as we walked in - especially in a new country. Now if only I can find a way to make my closet as beautiful as the one pictured above...

Hope you have a wonderful weekend, enjoy this week's three rad links (i know, it's been a while)!

• LA peeps - this will make you CRACK UP. It's mostly Westside based but even Eastsiders will relate. • I have mad admiration and respect for Lauren Conrad so when she shares her bikini boot camp plan, I listen. I mean, I have to now that I can't hide under big coats anymore. • If you're in NYC this weekend, do check out the official launch of my girl Jess's Tout Le Monde Cambodia Collection clutch purses - they're as beautiful as the stories and the people behind them. Shop online here - congrats, Jess!

Oh, and I updated my profile page with new info and fun polaroids...can't believe it's been over a year since I last looked at it! It's spring cleaning time around here alright.

(image: left: sunrise view of KL Tower by Ana Maria Muñoz, right: via this Pin, originally via Martha Stewart