Engagement ring

Not that I'm any where near this part of my life but with the recent flood of engagement party and "save the date" invites from my friends, it's hard to not get excited about the details an engagement/wedding entails. Came across what I think would be my engagement ring of choice. Actually, to be honest, my jaw dropped when I saw it.

Of course I drool over traditional Tiffany and Cartier styles but they have never really felt like "me". This hand-made ring playfully reinterprets a classic silhouette into something modern that I could actually see myself wearing everyday. I love the combination of metals and the minimalistic approach. Oh man...I really, really like it. Can I just get one without getting hitched?

The price tag isn't bad either - just over 1K. Now if that's not enough to make a guy fall in love with me then I don't know what is.

*For the record, I was not searching for engagement rings. This one was featured on Etsy's homepage while I was perusing newly listed items. But yes, I am such a girl.

Classic always has it

Tried and true, Levi's has re-solidified my love for their denim. I've been in dire need of denim shorts for the past year (yeah, I don't shop too often) and in checking out my fave jeans, I realized that the two pairs of Levi's I have fit me the best and have outlasted my other brand name jeans by years.

While at work yesterday I decided it was finally time to buy shorts. I headed to 3rd street during my break and walked straight to the Levi's store where I was sure to find exactly what I wanted.

My shorts to be were on display in the front; found my size immediately, tried them on ( they were PERFECT!) and was at the cash register all within ten minutes. Photo 11 There's something so satisfying about wanting and then getting an article of clothing you know you will wear and love like crazy.

Even more satisfying was that they were 50% off.

Off to break them in at a day of fun in Venice!

"We're such tourist"

Yet another evening in Downtown LA discovering new favorite spots. 1. Dinner at Wurstkuche: located in J town, or Little Tokyo, they offer an extensive variety of beers and sausages. Pair that with a live DJ spinning in the main dining room that has family style seating and you've got the perfect grub place. Oh and did I mention double dipped french fries? Okay, I'm drooling on my keyboard...


2. Please post bills: Actually, we did this first while the boys stood in line at Wurstkuche. We practially jumped out of the car while it was moving because we were so excited at the awesomeness of this wall.

P6050848And this one. Yes, that's Obama smoking and wearing a sweet hat back in the days. The complete collection of these shots is on view at M+BP6050855

Even more beautiful than the words of this riddle is that it's on the side of a trash bin...


3. Rooftop wine tasting and movie at Downtown Independent: just opened six months ago and I was super impressed by the place. Modern, extremely comfortable seats, and great staff. Can't wait to go back.

View from the rooftop - US Bank has Laker colors shining bright


4. Bar 107: Night cap where we saw Julia Stiles. Funny because we saw her in NYC last fall at another hole in the wall bar...coincidence or is she just stalking us?

Sewing goal of the day cut short

Just as I had 6 more linings to complete my sewing machine decided to lock up. So, I now find myself with time to blog while anxiously awaiting the final Lakers score (overtime kills me!). I better have this baby up and running again soon...I've got bags to complete, people!



... "The only risk is wanting to stay." This is one of the new tourism campaign slogans and it's perfect. Colombia has such a bad rep from the Escobar times of the past and the guerrilla warfare but in all honesty, things are just that ... in the past. Of course there's still unrest but it's so remote and isolated that it's almost comparable to living in LA or any major city: you know where not to walk by yourself late at night. Stepping off my soap box ... Colombia was great. I've been there several times (Pereira where my family lives, specifically) so I didn't do much sight seeing or activities this time around. This trip was about being with family and mission was accomplished. Got some quality moments with the grandparents, aunts, cousins, and I miss them already.

Can't wait to return but next time I'll swing by the capitol, Bogota, and the coast of Santa Marta where the women of the Wayuu Indians weave incredible textiles (and the beaches there are gorgeous).

Some photos to share!

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When the cosmos allign

My friend Allie is a BIG street art fan and today she introduced me to the artist Chase who is renown for his eyeball murals and positive messages. She showed me his website and I thought he was pretty cool but didn't think of anything else beyond that.

After work I swung by Dorty's place in Venice to pick up the new Phoenix album (AMAZING btw - can't wait to see them live next month!) and I notice an artist working on a wall down the street.

Looks familiar...big eyeballs, bright colors....OMG I think that's the artist Allie was just raving about!!! I call Allie, she's already half way to Silver Lake, so I turn around to find out if it's him.


I illegally park since parking is impossible at that time of day, put on the hazards, and walk up to the artist in action.

Yes, it was Chase and he was so sweet. Completely humble and got a kick out of the the fact that I had just learned about him two hours prior and was setting him up on a date with Allie for the next day (when he'll finish the mural).


I get in the car, call Allie again and we are both so excited about this almost serendipitous moment!!! She seriously loves this guy's work.

Check out Allie's new blog STOPandLOOK where she has begun to post some of her favorite street art encounters in LA and abroad.

PS - I leave for Colombia tomorrow... can't wait to see my family, hug my grandparents, and lay in the hammock at our little ranch on the weekend!!!!!

Cut until the cows come home

Spent all day cutting stabilizer, interfacing, and scarves in prep for ironing (I use fusible interfacing) and sewing. Thank goodness I finally gave in to buying a rotary cutter and mat - made things SO much easier! Except for the fact I sliced by left thumb a bit. It's paper cut size but man it hurt.

Looking forward to getting back to these after my vacation in Colombia!!!



New Orleans

I was in New Orleans all last week for work and it was a blast. We did a Shoe Drop at an elementary school (see my post about it here!) and I stayed to visit some other ones for future events. I had been to NOLA before but this time I got a chance to really explore it a little more. The city, particularly the French Quarter, has SO much character...both in the people and the architecture. I found myself fascinated (actually, obsessed) with the balcony railings and metal works on doors and old mail boxes. Lots of fun inspirations :)


Coachella - never too late

Finally got around to downloading my photos from our crazy Coachella weekend. We camped, danced, baked in the sun, and got a little loose. Here's a snippet of the action... [gallery columns="2"]