pick a card, any card

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Give someone a Moo card and you are bound to get a compliment. Be it the high quality, the smooth texture, or the many designs to choose from - they make an impression. I began using Moo in 2009 for my accessories shop after falling in love with their Mini cards. Since then I've called on Moo for holiday postcards, stickers, and most recently, The Pond Market collateral. I had been itching to get new business cards for my creative services so when Dan from Moo USA contacted me about designing my own for keeps I jumped at the opportunity! I love that with you can upload your own designs and have each card feature a different one. With that in mind I played with a few new patterns using my blog's color scheme and I'm really happy with how they turned out. So happy that I'm now itching to re-design my entire blog! I want to keep the colors but I feel like it's time for a re-fresh, especially since the launch of my print shop will be happening very very soon (!!!). I've been mulling over the idea of selling my photography for about a year now and it finally feels like the right time to go for it (that "Photography - coming soon" sidebar button that's been there since February? yeah...). New business cards have a way of making things feel extra official, exciting, and possible, don't they? :)


abu dhabi in 48 hours

Abu DhabiAbu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi

Hi guys, how was your weekend? Aside from going out to dinner on Saturday night we slept like crazy and nursed our new cold symptoms (thank you sickies on our many flights). Since photos from my sofa would only be so exciting I'm replacing my usual weekend, we <3 you post with my round up of Abu Dhabi - much more interesting!

Because my visit to this desert city by the sea wasn't planned, I opted to spend my time doing a few easy touristy things. I was thankful that Abu Dhabi's tourism website was so complete and easy to navigate - other cities, please take note! With the site's help, I joined a free hour tour of the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, visited the Emirates Palace Hotel (how gorgeous is this dome?!) and learned a bit about the region's cultural crafts at Heritage Village. I loved spending time in each place soaking up the islamic architecture and design; it really has become one of my favorite types. Be sure to check out the caption dots on each picture for more details!

friday pic & pin

friday pic & pin 20 Happy Friday, guys. I've had an amazing 48 hours in Abu Dhabi (see my instagram shots here) but this girl is ready to go home! My bed, my sofa, my kitchen, my shower - everything is calling my name and I can't wait to indulge in doing absolutely nothing this weekend.

I hope you have a good one!

This week's three rad links...

• everything has its place - organization porn via Material Concern

• craigslist has an App now?!? it helped ms. lively score big

• my kind of rap song: "Thrift Shop" via State of Unique
(image left: Moroccan breakfast by Ana Maria Muñoz, right: Pin via Randomitus)

let's play house {office}

lets play house - office

1.  REDSTAR Ink  /  2.  Linda Monfort  /  3.  Pablo and Fernando Pardo  /  4.  Hee Welling  /  5.  IKEA  /  6.  Paperweight  /  7.  Nicopapergoods

I've been having a lot of fun lately but it's time to really get back to work. There are a few new ventures that I'm prepping to launch this month (fingers crossed) and that means that I'll be spending a lot of extra time sitting at my desk. If I had the chance to decorate anew I would choose modern blacks, natural textures, and pops of inspirational colors and patterns. All three combined would make for a casually sophisticated and artful place - perfect for getting things done. What's your workspace style?

... and i'm back, kinda

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I meant to write, I really did. But between long days of travel, a new client's rush job, and enjoying bits of London on the side, my poor blog was left behind. With only three full days in town I didn't get up to too much but the little that Joe and I did do together was simply perfect. We were ecstatic to be home again. From feeling the naturally cold air on our faces after stepping off the plane (no AC!) to taking out our Oyster Cards and riding the tube - we relished every moment that indicated we were back in London. I didn't even take my camera out once because I was so happy being back and feeling as if we had never left. Strangely I felt more excited to be "home" in London than I did when I was back in Los Angeles (yes, former Ms. LA can't believe she said that, too). LA, I realized, is the type of home where my family and friends are and where the things I grew up with will always be. But London...sigh...I can't even put into words what it does for me. It's just a bad-ass city. Period.

I was due back in KL today but yesterday's flight via Abu Dhabi was delayed by five hours and would have left me with an eighteen hour layover (yuck!). Joe had a later flight straight to Abu Dhabi to stay for business so by the time he arrived at the airport I was able to change my ticket to join him. Might as well stay with him one extra day in a hotel rather than see what the airline would have figured out for me! So, now I'm in the UAE until Friday morning. I went from the jungle, to a cold island, to the desert - all in a matter of days. I totally tripped out when I looked outside of the airplane's window and saw nothing but sand. And then I freaked out when I realized that I had nothing but sweaters in my luggage! I guess that means that I'll have to go shopping...I wouldn't want to die of a heat stroke or anything. But first, lots and lots of coffee. I feel like I could sleep for days but I'll power through...gotta make the most of this unexpected trip!


friday pic & pin

friday pic & pin 19 Happy weekend, everyone. We're off to London for a few days and I am really pushing my packing time to the limit. It's always such a last minute thing for me but I'll do my best take the pieces that have been out of rotation since we moved to the tropics  (poor sweaters ain't getting any love!). I'll use the sassy lady above as inspiration, she is just too perfect.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

This week's three rad links...

• I Need Nice Things is open for business. Super rad and affordable art.
Field Trip, a new free phone app that reveals quirky, fun and secret places that are near you as you walk via Say Daily
• LA's biggest block party, CicLAvia, is this Sunday. Experience the city in a brand new way. We did and we LOVED it.
(image left: view from the London Eye, London by Ana Maria Muñoz, right: Pin via Stunning Street Style)

{show & tell} LA souvenirs

The best part about traveling? Coming home and unloading your loot! I've had my mind and eyes on a few things so I took advantage of being in LA to tick them off my list. And here they are....

The Old:

An antique hourglass from my mama that she dug up when we went through her storage. Joe always played with it when he was at my folks' house so she let me bring it back for him. Aawwwww...

An old brass bottle opener in the form of a Pre-Columbian figure from my grandpa. The last time I visited him in Colombia I asked him to take me to wherever they sold "old stuff". He thought I was crazy but now he gets me.

Plastic Plates from POKETO that Joe bought for me when I moved into my own apartment (oh how I loved my DTLA studio!). Now they'll be perfect for our BBQ meals by the pool and if you like them, they're still in stock!

The New:

I was so excited when Everlane launched their collection of luxury basics several months ago. Not just because everything is under $100 but because most (if not all?) items are made in the USA. They don't currently ship internationally so I ordered a tank for me and a t-shirt for Joe but I really should have stocked up!

It's still bikini season where I am so I was on the look out for a new suite. I found my perfect set at Undrest by the Sea in Venice. Since the bikini was on sale I splurged on the shorts. I love the knit fabric and the Brazillian cut - and they're each made in LA so extra extra brownie points, had to support! I think the swimwear sale is still happening online so hurry, click click click!

I recently got new Moo business cards so naturally I needed something to put them in. The EAYSRLEE wallet is perfect in design, quality, and function. I've completely ditched my big wallet for it since I can stuff it in my pocket and go. I bought it through Of A Kind so you just know that it's 100% indie-designer goodness.

Chunky or statement necklaces are what I'm good at collecting but sometimes a girl needs something simple. I've been searching for a small pendant that I could wear every day and I fell in love with this golden nugget necklace by Timka Jewelry. She has a table on Abbott Kinney in Venice and is there every weekend selling her designs at 30% off. SOLD!

And last but not least, my new travel companion: the awesome upcycled leather passport holder by ECO PARTY MEARRY purchased at POKETO's new shop in DTLA's Arts District (see, here's proof that I was there!) I've been wanting one easy place to keep my boarding pass stubs and receipts while traveling and this one does it all in style!

The new case will come in handy tomorrow when Joe's packs me in his suitcase for a business trip to London (eeee!!!) I can't believe that we get to go back to visit our other home city - it's going to feel so great. Better dust off my sweaters, polish those boots, and, of course, make sure to save some room for more souvenirs ;)


cultural bits

mooncake I was lucky to be able to catch up with a lot of friends in LA but one of the hardest parts of catching up was answering the question "so, how is living in Malaysia?".  Though most of my friends keep up to date with my blog I realize that I haven't been sharing as much of the everyday moments and things that really make up the collective experience of living here. "Where do I even start?" I'd ask myself. On the surface level it appears to be like any other city (fancy skyscrapers, high-end shopping, trendy bars and restaurants) but how do I describe the nuances that make my walk to the grocery store that much different that it was in London or LA? And what about what happens inside of the grocery store? How do I give examples of things without making KL sound like a completely strange foreign place while acknowledging the fact that it is a thriving city straddled between old customs and modern western ways?

I found myself answering with surprising optimism that I LOVE it. I've realized that yes, it would be easier to live in a more mature city like Singapore but KL is rad. It feels like it's five to ten years away from being like other major cities and we have a front row seat to the action. Construction is everywhere, locals seem to be hungry for new and exciting retail and dining experiences, and the tourism board is on overdrive - with good reason, too. Just like London is to Europe, KL is the perfect launch pad to the rest of South East Asia, Asia, and Australia. Malaysia may not have it all (yet) but what it does have is worth celebrating: heritage cities, modern cities, jungles, beaches, unique street-food, colorful religious festivals, and best of all, friendly people. I encountered more openly friendly strangers in the first three weeks here than I did in a year in London if that tells ya anything.

As for the little details? The ones that aren't so great are made easier by the details that I have fallen for: the giant rainforest trees spared by new constructions, the black and white striped curbs on the roads that make me feel like I'm in a race car game, and the dangerously delicious baked goods that are hot and fresh anytime of the day (in the mall bakeries, of course ;).

I don't recall if I managed to recite all of the above to my friends in response to their question but I did give them a few fish out of water type stories. I want to share those with you, too, so moving forward I will offer up some "cultural bits" so you can gain a little more insight as to how different (or not) living here can be.

Oh and the photo? They're Chinese Mooncakes in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival. I initially had a totally different direction for this post but naturally I went off on a tangent so now the image is kinda random. Oh well, c'est la vie!

weekend, we

weekend 092912 weekend 092912_3weekend 092912_2 weekend 092912_4 weekend 092912_5

Hi guys, how was your weekend? It feels so good to be back, on the blog and in KL. With errands to run and meals to be had, we spent much of our time at the malls. A few months ago the idea of doing everything inside of a mall drove me a bit crazy but this weekend it felt totally normal. So much so that I hunkered down at Starbucks and planned a few upcoming launches while Joe got a massage on the fifth floor. I really like our new normal now and the time away was just what I needed to feel re-energized and excited about living here. After the everyday adjustments and learning curves (which I realize I could share more of since some are quite comical) it's now time to really enjoy it all. Cheers to a great week and to making the most of wherever you are!

words worth repeating / 29

quote 29 Hello! I hope you've had a good start to the week. I spent mine traveling across too many timezones and it is so nice to finally be home. I already miss my family and friends but there's nothing like the butterflies I felt last night when Joe got home from work. All I could think was "reunited and it feels so goooood"…. those hugs will go down in history fo sho.

Today is back to reality with unpacking and re-settling in. I realized that I have a laundry list of projects to catch up with (and kick start) so I'm going to take this week off from the blog.  The plan is to be back on Monday feeling fully refreshed because really, there's only so much a girl can do while jet lagged ;)

See ya next week, have a good one!


for more quotes visit Howdy Day!, a daily dose of inspiration + motivation via your browser’s homepage, email or rss.

friday pic & pin

friday pic & pin 18 Happy Friday, guys I'm ending my time in LA with a bang tonight - I'm off to Vegas! I'm going with my besties and even though I'll only be there for a little over 24 hours it's totally going to be worth it. The car ride alone has me giddy - four hours of solid one-on-one time with some of the people I love the most and hardly ever see? Yes please!

I fly back to LA tomorrow night and then Sunday is my final farewell. It's going to be a non-stop couple of days but hey, I have a thirteen hour flight to sleep it all off on. As the kids say these days, YOLO! Yeah, I had to google that...we'll see how this old lady fares in Vegas...

Have a great weekend and start to next week, see ya back here on Wednesday!

(image left: art deco bar sign in Union Station, Los Angeles by Ana Maria Muñoz, right: Pin via Honey Kennedy)

weekend we

UntitledUntitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled

Hi guys, how was your weekend? Mine was mainly about playing with my nieces and with my besties from high school. I went from simple fun like watching trains go by and hopping around here to a mystery wine tasting game that lead to a preview of what's to come later this week in Vegas. In case you're wondering what we're doing with those bunny ears in the last photo...yeah...I can't help you there. It's just the sort of thing that happens when we get together. Seven more days of soaking up all of my favorites!

friday pic & pin

friday pic & pin 17 It's been a great week of catching up with friends all over town and getting local things done. I've literally been all over the map from orange county to the valley and Sunday will take me to the westside for a brunch in Venice. Each area has different memories and associations for me so it's almost as if each chapter of my life is a different zip code and I'm flipping through the pages as I drive along.  It's a trip.

We'll see what stories are created this weekend.

Have a good one!

(image left: Downtown LA skyline from LA State Historic Park by Ana Maria Muñoz, right: Pin via Delovely Arts)

{market memo} rose bowl flea market

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It's been a while but I finally visited my mecca, the Rose Bowl Flea Market, last weekend. I've been going since I was a teenager and I still feel anxious and excited every time I approach the entrance. The bright colors, the old timey music, the two dollar bills you get in change when you pay with a ten - it's and experience even before you go through gates.  I love the London and European markets for their authenticity but this one really takes the cake in terms of offerings for me. Unlike other markets that focus primarily on small bric-a-brac, the Rose Bowl flea features parking lots full of furniture, clothes, and everything in between. Since I'm only visiting, I went without an agenda and was open to finding treasures that could be put into our storage if need be. It sounds silly to buy something for later but I'm still dreaming about a chandelier that I passed on before moving to London and I vowed to not do that again. I ended up only buying one small pot for our succulents in KL but I did find myself drawn to chairs and metal patio furniture. Wouldn't those yellow ones look great in my future Palm Springs lounge? And the stools for the poolside bar? It was so hot that morning that a swim and a cold drink were really the only things on my mind. Because of that not much shopping got done but I did relish the chance to be in my mecca once again. Do you have a favorite flea market where you live or one that you've traveled to?

reverse culture shock

Have you ever had the once familiar feel totally strange or new? It's my third visit back and with each trip I find that I see things in a different light and am thrown for a loop in the most ordinary situations. When visiting from London I remember thinking that the American (and more specifically, LA) accent sounded so loud and informal compared to the English tones I'd become accustomed to. I mixed words like "lift" for elevator, and stumbled to find the American versions before I got the inevitable perplexed look from locals (still kinda do). Most memorable was feeling severely irritated by servers at restaurants who brought the bill before it was asked for and just like that, dinner was over - all 45 minutes of it. Can't the people just hang???

Now I come by way of Malaysia where I'm learning to live with an entirely new set of norms. One of the first things I noticed upon arriving at LAX was that women were showing cleavage. Cleavage was everywhere. It's no big deal, they were wearing regular t-shirts and tanks tops but with Malaysia being a fairly modest country I really don't see that very much any more. I felt like a total boob gawker but it was a very obvious first impression/difference. At my hair salon I went to use the bathroom and in my effort to turn the lights on via the switches outside the room, I gave the rest of the place an impromptu light show..."oh, that's right, the light switches are on the inside of the restrooms here...silly me!". Then there's getting behind the wheel. My right leg cramped up yesterday from the tilt and push action of driving and when the time came to buy gas (or petrol) I felt like I was tampering with an explosive device. I used to do all of this stuff in my sleep, upside down, and with my hands tied for crying out loud!

Of course everything else is familiar, like favorite places and favorite people, but it's the little things that are proving to be quite comedic, humbling, or flat out fascinating in comparison. Have you ever experienced anything like this?