Fin de semana

I <3 my neighborhood. Ran several errands on Sat in prep for Unique LA.

New vintage shop, Haute Olive Boutique, just opened up down the street from me...this is going to be dangerous. Separate blog post to come.

Niece Juliana. Too cool for school as we stroll down the mean streets of Old Pasadena.

This weekend felt long, productive, and relaxing. I haven't had such a balanced Sat & Sun in a while (ANAMU, resting, boyfriend, family, chores, etc). Too many great little things to photograph and write about ... hope that this continues to be the norm :)

Could it be? A new mecca in the Ravine?!?

You know that I love nothing more than a good flea market (and that the Pasadena Rose Bowl one is my Mecca). Could there be a new holy ground for me up on the hill come June 20?

I stumbled upon the website for the new LA Flea Market today and my eyes couldn't have gotten any wider.

This could be amazing because:

1. It's closer to home

2. More opportunities for flea market treasure hunts throughout the month

3. It's at Dodger Stadium (in the Ravine)

4. I love the Dodgers

With that said, I am a little concerned about the VIP lounges and valet parking. Why are they insisting on turning a good ol' flea market into a Hollywood type soiree? Pampering and flea market scavenging just don't go together in my mind. There's a time and a place for both so go to the mall if you want a cushy shopping experience.  And yeah, I get the whole Dodgers Pavilion thing since its on their turf...I'll deal with the cheesiness of the planned activities there as long as I can watch while eating a Dodger Dog. Bring Pierre back and then maybe I'll hang out there longer.

Let's hope that they draw in some great vintage/antique vendors that offer more than simply clothes and fashion accessories (scarves are in a different category for me of course). I love those things just as much as the next gal but when 90% of the booths are offering it, I lose interest. Show me the cool collectible tin boxes, postcards, clocks, and pre-loved art!

Needless to say, this will be a big day in LA for all flea market lovers and I can't wait to be a part of it.

No Bank-Break Brides: Ann Taylor and Anthropologie

Love Love Love!

Finally there will be more affordable stylish and modern choices for brides-to-be. For the last few years J. Crew has been the only player in the easily attainable bridal wear category (no, David's Bridal does not count in my book). It's great to see that bank accounts can remain intact along with fashion sense.

Ps. I <3 Ann Taylor

Save the Date: Unique LA Spring Show 4/24-4/25

It's not really a show, you dont need to be an industry buyer to attend.  You can actually buy direct from the artists/designers and lucky me, ANAMU will be a part of it!

The second annual Spring Unique LA will once again be held in the penthouse floor of the Cal Mart building in Downtown LA. Shop, eat, drink, create, and lounge ... all with a fab view and happy warm feelings because you are supporting local and independent talent.

Hope to see you there!

Pick of the Week: Gold and Studded

Walked by a beautiful gold leaf Art Deco door on Spring St. today and I thought "how great would this be for a photo shoot!" - especially for clutches like the Gilded Age I.

This ANAMU clutch is made from a shawl purchased in a vintage shop in Cape Town, South Africa. I'm a big fan of gold so I instantly fell in love with the sparkly brocade pattern. Metal pyramid studs adorning the corners add some jazz to the mix that make it a perfect clutch for a glam night out.

Weekend Tidbits

Played with placing the striped cotton throw I bought in Ethiopia...I think I'll keep it like this for a while.

Pamper Me Fabulous event with gal pals at Vibiana, the first church in Los Angeles. The LA Conservancy saved it from demo years ago. Thank goodness because it is simply beautiful.

Cupcakes by My Sweet Cupcakes and champagne by Barefoot Bubbly...could a girl ask for anything more?

Make your own business card holder courtesy of Common Thread Studio. CTStudio's owner Jin was great at reminding me how to blanket stitch. Couldn't believe my years of sewing classes drew such a big blank!

Friend Vikki going through the swag bag as soon as we left. Too good to wait to go through until we got home. Goodies included products from Philosophy, O.P.I. and local salons and spas.

Drive over Colorado St. Bridge in Pasadena to eat pizza in Eagle Rock. Pizza place was closed but at least we got to drive over the always makes me smile.

Pick of the Week: Margaritas and Flowers

Spent last Sunday frolicking around in the beautiful Carlsbad Flower Fields for new ANAMU Spring lifestyle shots. When you are just starting out, you've 1) gotta be your own model and 2) the boyfriend becomes the fashion photographer (he did a GREAT job!).

After we wrapped we cruised a bit further south to grub on some yummy Mexican food at Las Olas in Cardiff. Seriously, this place is amazing and I'm so thankful that my gal pal, Erin, introduced me to it a few years ago!

I had flowers and Margaritas on my mind that day and thought this Senorita clutch to be perfect for this week's Pick of the Week!

The flowers and paisley combo drive me crazy in the best of ways.  Muted colors on the lining scarf  really play up the matching patch pocket that carries the vibrant and flirty designs from the exterior of the bag.

2 nights of fashion

A bit overdue but here we go!

Night 1:  had the pleasure of meeting some rad gals at LAFW 2.0, a gathering of LA fashion bloggers at the beautiful Broadway Bar.

Hosted by Dedicated Follower of Fashion and the lovely Kelsi Smith of Stylesmith, the night consisted of fashion talk, industry tips, and just good ol' mingling. We all left with a swag bag full of goodies, purses stuffed with business cards, and new friends. View photos of the night here.

Night 2: Stopped by the grand opening of EPIC, a new fashion c0-op in Echo Park that is for LA local designers only. LOVED IT! The space was huge, perfect to fit their 400+ turn out who donned some of the most stylish (and interesting) outfits I've seen in a while. Only fail for the night was the long line for the photo silly b&w photos of Joe & I to share this time, but above is a great overview shot from Expensive Deathstyle. Can you spot me in my colorful vintage dress?

Happy Birthday, Blog!

To think that just one year ago I hesitantly entered the blogging world. My first blog was about starting my line and check it out now...up and running! Like a friend told me at the time "just do it, it'll be fun to look back on it one day." I realize he was talking about 20 years from now but seeing as how I dont do much of "Dear Journal" these days, I'm pretty proud of having captured just a bit of my life via the world wide web. Thank you for being a part of it!

Now here's a clutch that screams celebration!

Pick of the Week Returns with New "Behind the Seams"

After a long hiatus, the oh so loved Pick of the Week is back! Why was it gone for so long? It was kind of like working out - you do it consistently then you miss one day and boom, done until.... well, whenever you get around to it again.

I did miss it dearly so I'm happy to have the mojo for it back.

First up for 2010 is the Metallic Muse II Envelope Clutch...

This one is part of a little series I was able to do since the shawl used was so big! This brocade piece has metallic stripes that I placed perpendicular to each other for some added interest. I'm a big fan of mixed metal colors so a brass pyramid stud was added to each corner as fun and edgy dressings.

This is a hot one!

Behind the seams...

If you follow this blog then you know that I make it a point to seek out local vintage goodies wherever I am. In this case it was Cape Town, South Africa where a cramped and dusty shop on Long Street caught my attention.

This place was packed yet I somehow managed to find this great shawl to make some glitzy bags with! The shop's owner was super sweet and happily told me about the cabinetry behind the register; the location used to be an old pharmacy and the custom carpentry was left intact throughout the years.

Here I am putting down my Rands ...

The lining in Metallic Muse II is made from an old Indian sari purchased in Durban, South Africa. Now THIS thing is big! Many bags to come from this baby...